God told Abraham that He had a four hundred-year strategy for his family. When the Israelites came out of Egyptian slavery loaded down with treasure, it looked as though God just suddenly decided to bless them. The truth is that God had planned they would be enslaved and endure suffering for four hundred years, but He would bring them out, turn around the injustice, and thrust them into their purpose in the Promised Land. It’s easy to worry about how problems are going to work out tomorrow. Uncertainty can bring anxiety and cause us to live stressed and uptight. We look at things in the short term, but God has been working on His plan for your life for generations. Long before you were born, He’s been lining up what you need, arranging things to fall into place so you can fulfill your purpose. God was thinking of you hundreds of years ago, working on your behalf. Generations back, He was bringing everything into alignment—the right people, good breaks, solutions to problems, mercy for mistakes. It’s already planned out.