Long before you were born, God laid out the plan and purpose for your life. His will is unstoppable. When it’s His sovereign will for you to be blessed, it’s not dependent on anything that has happened to you or anything you are currently facing. The blessing will overtake you. It’s unstoppable. There’s nothing you can do or not do to keep His sovereign will from coming to pass or to get God to change His mind. You’ll see favor that you didn’t earn, you didn’t deserve, you weren’t born into, and you can’t explain.
You will face some things you don’t understand. The enemy will try to cause you to doubt, but you can stay in peace knowing that it’s all working according to God’s will. You’re not at the mercy of fate or happenstance. You don’t have to worry about how something can happen or how you’re going to come through. The sovereign God has already not only planned it, but He will make it happen. It’s not up to you; it’s up to Him. You can rest in His plan.
Prayer For Today
“Father, thank You for Your plans for my life, plans that are full of hope and an abundant future. Thank You that You are calling me to trust You and to be comfortable not knowing how everything will work out. I believe that You not only have written my plans but that You will make them happen. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”