You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Protect my family and please bring my husband home. We deserve happiness again. God this mom is tired. Continue to carry us and guide us.. I love you.. I ask for prayers for my son A.A.
For healing of his mental health and his emotional struggles. That Jesus will restore his mind, heart and soul to complete wholeness and that he will seek Jesus. That he will stop hearing things and stop wandering the streets. That he can be made free of depression and anxiety and hallucinations. In Jesus's Name. AMEN This holiday has been hard. I am a single mother of 5. We lost my children’s father three years ago after he had Covid and double pneumonia. His sickness took such a big toll on his body and wasn’t able to pull through. This past April we were involved in a car accident that left my truck in crumbles, but it’s still drivable. Doesn’t have heat, but it gets us where we go. I have worked my tail off trying to provide Christmas for my 5 kids and I need a MIRACLE in just a few short days to pull it off. Please pray for my mental health. Mom guilt really is a hard thing and I feel like nothing I do is ever good enough for them and they deserve the absolute world. I hope they know how hard I try and everything I do — I do for them. Dear God,
Thank you for everything that you are doing and making sure that I'm taken care of.
I really do pray that I'm safe, from a life of crime, hate, anger and anything that will ruin my life. As I really do want to have a peaceful life, where everything works out for me. As I'm really worried for the future.
I pray to have a good life ahead of me, because I know I deserve it and need to ensure that I keep myself safe.
I hope that you will hear this prayer and help me, as I really need you. Also, I'm really worried to the point it's causing me sleepless nights.
Please help me, thank you. Thank you for creating this website and prayer ministry, providing a space for us to share our struggles and seek healing. My heart feels heavy at this moment, and I am earnestly praying and seeking Jesus, longing for restoration in my life. I long to be made whole in Jesus Christ, to feel complete and lack nothing. The little girl inside me still carries wounds from the past, as I didn’t experience the healthy love I needed during my childhood between the ages of 7 and 10. I yearn for more of God’s love to fill my life and desperately need His presence. I wish to be surrounded by loving people, but I feel pain because that kind of love feels out of reach as an adult. I need a host of angels to bring comfort, guidance, and support into my life. Additionally, I am facing challenges with scoliosis and am praying for physical healing. I'm seeking God’s guidance on how to improve my life and find the wholeness I seek. Thank you for creating this website and prayer ministry, providing a space for us to share our struggles and seek healing. My heart feels heavy at this moment, and I am earnestly praying and seeking Jesus, longing for restoration in my life. I long to be made whole in Jesus Christ, to feel complete and lack nothing. The little girl inside me still carries wounds from the past, as I didn’t experience the healthy love I needed during my childhood between the ages of 7 and 10. I yearn for more of God’s love to fill my life and desperately need His presence. I wish to be surrounded by loving people, but I feel pain because that kind of love feels out of reach as an adult. I need a host of angels to bring comfort, guidance, and support into my life. Additionally, I am facing challenges with scoliosis and am praying for physical healing. I'm seeking God’s guidance on how to improve my life and find the wholeness I seek. I’ve been moving around for years, staying with different relatives, in shelters, churches, and with teachers. My work history has been anything but stable. I never learned how to navigate relationships, like what to share and what to hold back. I struggle with knowing when to trust someone and when it’s best to wait before sharing my personal challenges. I truly need guidance on how to interact with people in various settings—whether at work, in church, or in other environments. Since 2007, I haven't found stability in many areas of my life, and I just long for things to improve. Although I sometimes grapple with dark thoughts, I remain grateful to God for my life. In the future, I hope to adopt a little girl whom I can call my daughter, raising her in faith and helping her lead a blessed, prosperous, and independent life. I aspire to take her to church and instill values that will guide her. I also envision a home with a small dog to cuddle and a big dog that will keep me safe and protect me from harm. I will immerse myself in the Bible to seek salvation, pursue sanctification, and strive to be pleasing in God's sight. I will own a car and attain self-sufficiency through various income sources, freeing myself from financial hardships. My health will be renewed, with healing for my bladder, relief from scoliosis, management of my diabetes, and restored insulin production by my pancreas. I will break free from loneliness, depression, and anxiety, achieving inner healing in the process. I will discern when it’s time to let go of what no longer benefits me. Lord, grant me wisdom and discernment. I will build connections with the right community and those chosen by You. I will be shielded from harm, enemy attacks, and any malicious intentions directed at me. My books will be discovered, read, and sold widely. I will pursue education in phlebotomy, EKG, IT, and neonatal nursing. At the right moment, I will marry a God-fearing, respectful, and loving man. I will cultivate a strong work ethic. God, guide me to the miraculous income necessary to collaborate with the realtor I met in 2024 and help me find my 2-3 bedroom home in a safe neighborhood soon. Jesus, heal me so that my desires align with Yours. Grant me the insight to recognize red flags, empowering me to walk away when needed. Heaven and the angels will lead me to fulfill my potential, select the right career path, start a business, write songs, produce albums, achieve the extraordinary, and open the doors essential for my journey! May Your will be done in my life, God. I kindly ask for your prayers as I seek to break free from Jerome's life. It's clear to me that relying on him for financial support and shelter is not God's intention for me. I'm struggling to detach from this unhealthy relationship, much like a smoker trying to quit their addiction. I've chosen to stay with him partly due to the confusion I’ve experienced with my mom and sister, with whom I’ve lived for so long. My mother has faced challenges managing her low blood sugar in our old apartment, impacting our daily lives. Although my mom and sister have been able to pay the bills, maintaining a clean home has been difficult, and I often feel uncomfortable with the state of our shared space. Cleaning has largely fallen on me, and I've been unable to finish tasks because of the constant interruptions. This ongoing turmoil in our apartment has led me to continue visiting Jerome, which I realize now is not the right choice. I urgently need God's guidance and the strength of His Holy Spirit to align my life according to His will. I want to emotionally and financially detach from Jerome, stop seeking his support, and break free from this misguided relationship. For years, I've struggled to maintain steady employment due to my mental health challenges, difficult family dynamics, and reliance on inadequate transportation. I am working with a lawyer to apply for disability, pursuing military benefits, and dedicating time to prayer and studying the Bible to discover God's will for my financial situation. I long for the ability to provide for myself, find a supportive church community, get baptized, and build healthy relationships as part of His plan. I believe that by doing so, I can finally free myself from the trauma bond I have with Jerome. Thank you for your support and prayers during this time. I kindly ask for your prayers as I seek to break free from Jerome's life. It's clear to me that relying on him for financial support and shelter is not God's intention for me. I'm struggling to detach from this unhealthy relationship, much like a smoker trying to quit their addiction. I've chosen to stay with him partly due to the confusion I’ve experienced with my mom and sister, with whom I’ve lived for so long. My mother has faced challenges managing her low blood sugar in our old apartment, impacting our daily lives. Although my mom and sister have been able to pay the bills, maintaining a clean home has been difficult, and I often feel uncomfortable with the state of our shared space. Cleaning has largely fallen on me, and I've been unable to finish tasks because of the constant interruptions. This ongoing turmoil in our apartment has led me to continue visiting Jerome, which I realize now is not the right choice. I urgently need God's guidance and the strength of His Holy Spirit to align my life according to His will. I want to emotionally and financially detach from Jerome, stop seeking his support, and break free from this misguided relationship. For years, I've struggled to maintain steady employment due to my mental health challenges, difficult family dynamics, and reliance on inadequate transportation. I am working with a lawyer to apply for disability, pursuing military benefits, and dedicating time to prayer and studying the Bible to discover God's will for my financial situation. I long for the ability to provide for myself, find a supportive church community, get baptized, and build healthy relationships as part of His plan. I believe that by doing so, I can finally free myself from the trauma bond I have with Jerome. Thank you for your support and prayers during this time.Anonymous
Received: December 23, 2024
Received: December 23, 2024
Received: December 23, 2024
Received: December 23, 2024
Received: December 23, 2024
Received: December 23, 2024
Received: December 23, 2024
Received: December 23, 2024
Received: December 23, 2024
Received: December 23, 2024
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