You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Please pray that god will reach into me and my wife’s lives again. Heal our marriage . I pray love and grace come into our house and
Make it again our home. Lord hear my prayer show me
Clearly what I must do. And pray for us both to be strong safe and patient with our battle of the heart. Lord hear my prayer.
Only you Jesus can do all things. Work into us.
Trusting the hope. Praying for God to renew my marriage . Bring my husband and I back to where he had us before the enemy stepped in Hello
Myself kajal mane
I have been in relationship with a boy named swapnil Gaikwad for about 9.5 yrs now on 5th sep 2021 we will complete 10yrs , since feb of 2021 we have gone through Many ups and downs in relationship like argument ,fights ,misunderstanding. He loved me cared for me , but It was majorly my mistakes .He got hurted n broke relationship n said he doesn't want marry this month june july we were about to get married with me ,our familes are involved in this relationship. He did some mistakes I did some mistakes .I realised my mistakes my mom dad convinced him to give me last chance.He said he will think about it.plz pray for our restoration of relationship.Make our relationship strong.He hates me now thinks negative about me .I believe he will come at my house with marriage proposal.Please pray for me restoration of mine and Swapnil gaikwad relationship. I give my relationship in God hand.
I m in great pain, pain is unbearable.
Love from India.
let god change his mind and melt his heart .let good things of our relationship be remembered and bad things gets nullified.Also some of my n his frnds are trying to break this relationship through evil spirit.Please pray me . Nothing is impossible for god.Amen.Looking forward to hear from you.Thanks in advance.
Thank and regards
Kajal Mane Good night again. I am asking for prayer for my transfer to come through. Tomorrow is the decision to be made. Please a meeting is being held concerning my transfer tomorrow Friday. I want it to be a positive outcome. People are trying to block it . Please pray for obstacles and mountains to be removed from my breakthrough with this transfer from that toxic environment and negative people. I need to be free from that . It is affecting my health. Let them say yes to this. Thank you. I'm so lost right now I lost my dad passed away in late April we have already lost our mom I need more help all I do is cry I just my family to come together and be there for each other like we use to be we have lost someone like back to back 2aunts 2uncles my family needs praying for to help us get back to what real family is we can keep the tradition going but they never show up Thanks in advance That I’m not pregnant. I really can’t afford a baby right now & my cycle won’t start. I’m late & I need assurance that I’m not pregnant now. One day after college, maybe but I’m not ready yet at all. ;( Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me and I'm grateful to your blessings everyday life.
I pray that Daniel and I will make it through everything as we are both make it through. On the other side together as a couple happily in love for the rest of our lives together. Even if I can have some strength, knowledge and skills like Priti Patel. The home secretary who married her now husband - Alex Sawyer then I'm going to be happy.
As of having the chance to be with Daniel and have the faith everything works out for us. For the rest of our lives together happily in love as there should be hope for our future.
I hope that you will hear this prayer request and make sure it happens very soon.
Thank you. Praying for God to bring TM and ES back to him. Align them to be the husbands and fathers they were designed to be , In Jesus name Lord my father I’m manifesting in your name for peace in Carlos D. He’s depressed, sad, lost and angry with his situation. The man I fell in love with is not the same today. He need prayers to find that peace and bring back that joy. Please restore peace, harmony and strength. Praying for God to bring TM and ES back to him. Align them to be the husbands and fathers they were designed to be , In Jesus nameAnonymous
Received: July 16, 2021
Received: July 16, 2021
Kajal Mane
Received: July 16, 2021
Received: July 16, 2021
Crystal Fulkerson
Received: July 16, 2021
Received: July 15, 2021
Received: July 15, 2021
Received: July 15, 2021
Received: July 15, 2021
Received: July 15, 2021
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