You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Prayers that I will find the true church. That God will lead me to find the true church and be a better believer. To be free from immortality. That I will be delivered. That a good beautiful Christian woman who will be a best friend for life. will help me be better That God Will bring me a beautiful Asian Christian woman from Singapore who is ladylike educated sophisticated and cultured for love friendship and marriage. Who will be a beautiful bride. A nice woman who is a professional career business woman. To be blessed this week . For an IPhone 12 . To feel better. To be more refined and better. For Early Retirement. For full blessings. To feel the presence of God. For the Angels to watch over me protect me bless me and perform miracles for me. For all my prayers that I have placed on here will be answered. To be a minimalist life style wise. To be a better person and for a new and better life. To enjoy my life. I really need a financial breakthrough. I’ve been unemployed for 6 years & no one will get back with me at nearly 30 years old. I have a legging business called Savvi, but I haven’t made one sale or customer. I’ve been with Savvi since February & next year, it’ll cost me a lot to keep my account active. I keep getting turned down for jobs & this all I can get.
I’m about to be a full time college student August 23 & have no job or income whatsoever. I’m also getting married July 31st but my fiancé works 2 jobs & barely gets to save money due to our high bills. I’m begging for help everyone. I’m afraid of Robbie & I having problems with our marriage due to his ex having personal issues at home. I don’t want to lose him at all. Pray for me & Robbie to have a happy & long marriage.
Please pray that my Savvi business will get stable customers very soon. I’ve had 2 women named Jennifer Blake & Taylor Farve who thought they’d be interested but they keep toying me. They’ll say they are & ghost me. PLEASE pray hard for these 2 women to sign under me for a stable income for my student loans & bills. This is highly embarrassing to me.. I don’t even know the right words to say to get them in the business with me. ;( Praying AP loves me and me only!❤️ Prayers for a fair chance.
Prayers for improved communication.
Prayers for his undivided attention.
Prayers for him to be the man I need him to be.
With Love and Gratitude ❤️
Me Dear heavenly Father, I appreciate all your love & support:
1. Thank you, Lord, for all of your blessings.
2. Please HELP & strengthen my relationship. Please help him get into a routine of daily communication with me. Let him see it’s tough when I’m in another state than him. Please Let HIM SEE he takes his outside frustration out on me. I ask that you let him know the issue & fix it. He has gotten better with his temper but pushes me away when he is upset. Please let him see everything I do for him & appreciate me.
3. I'm praying for someone that is on a mission to ruin what others have built & is not looking at the big picture (all parties messed up) & instead, she is trying to destroy others. That is because she isn't happy. I pray that God helps everything work out for the best for all parties involved.
4. Thank you for your blessings!
***Trust God & Speak it into existence*** thank you, God, for being there for me! Blessings for a financial blessing this week. Blessings for miracles blessings and healing in all areas of my life this week. To feel the presence of God. My future father in-law is treating me like trash & I don’t know why. Yesterday, we had an event that tiring & money & it was not my idea. I was so tired that I was very forgetful of everything just about & he's made rude remarks about me & is avoiding me. He used to love me & now this. My feelings are hurt & I miss my in-laws not being like this towards me. My mother is currently on a ventilator in the hospital battling COVID and pneumonia. Please say a prayer for the ultimate healing and recovery of my mother. Thank you all! Please pray that the prayer request that I have placed on here will be answered. That this week I will be blessed with miracles. That God will miraculously bless me. That I will be fully blessed financially so I can Early Retire. I have placed several prayer request on here and I like to see those request answered with the help of the prayer warriors. Also with the the help of ministers and priest . Also prayers for good health. To be a better person,more refined,and a better Christian. Prayers for a King James Bible,Messianic Bible,and a Catholic Bible. Prayers for help . That a kind person will. give me all those three bibles. Total body healing. I've had some health issues come up. It makes me really nervous. I want to try and be healthier. I fear it might be too late for me. To lose 15 pounds in a healthy way. That L. & C. didn’t get upset with me & that we’ll fix our bonds. For me & R. to have a successful & long marriage & for us to eat healthier for our health issues. For me to get the right job & NOT get fired like my last 2. To be able to have a job to save up lots of money & to earn my degree.William Sollenberger
Received: July 12, 2021
Received: July 12, 2021
Received: July 11, 2021
Received: July 11, 2021
Received: July 11, 2021
Received: July 11, 2021
Received: July 11, 2021
William Sollenberger
Received: July 11, 2021
Christina King
Received: July 11, 2021
Received: July 11, 2021
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