You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! For better sleep. For financial blessings and miracles so I can take time off work and Early Retire. I am burned out. For an IPhone 12. To be free from being nervous all the time. For good Heath. For prosperity and abundance. To be full blessed this week. Asking for prayers for myself and three beautiful little girls as we go forward each day to have the Lord’s guidance, love, a hedge of protection, and the faith to know that wherever we are headed the grace of God has already been there. And we ask and pray that the Lord come into our hearts and lift us up each day.
In Jesus name I pray… Amen. I just pray & ask for peaceful sleep & peaceful rest whenever I go to bed because I have not ever really had it. My whole life just about I have been tormented in my sleep with nightmares, horror images, sinful wet dreams, sleep paralysis, etc. In so many words "UnGodly dreams" & I have reasons to believe there is a incubus/succubus spirit involved behind the scenes but I just pray against this spirit or spirits & against the negative dreams that I have been tormented by in Jesus mighty name. I am really needing & wanting deliverance from some things in my life but it has been hard trying to find a serious deliverance minister who actually does it in this day & time. I have already tried going to some deliverance sessions but none has worked yet cause I feel like they weren't really serious about helping me get delivered but I am still trusting God to heal & deliver me. I have also been praying for myself but I know that the bible mentions where "2 or 3" are gathered there he will be in the midst so I am trying to find someone who can come in agreement with me & help me to be set free. I am needing deliverance from 1)Type 1 diabetes, 2)Generational curse, 3) Spiritual demonic spouces, 4)Behavior issues & 5)A burning pain that won't leave my body....I just pray that God please send a serious/real deliverance minister into my life as I have been unsuccessful in praying by myself & haven't had the best luck so far with the ministers who did pray. Asking for God to please send some christian Godly collaborations and/or spiritual mentors into my life for help, guidance & support with my ministry & help bringing the ideas into reality. I just ask boldly for helpers to be sent into my life who will be serious, faithful & trust worthy etc. Lord please hear my plea for help, support & guidance! Prayer for God to bless me with a young serious Godly Christian man who is in my age group, Who follows the commandments of God & takes his walk with the Lord serious & Who is also on the same purpose/calling path as myself & will actually help me with that & help me with maintaining my ministry in the lord & bringing my ideas to life. I am wanting a friendship/partnership that will lead to marriage where Christ would be the center & get the glory. Hurricane Elsa is coming between 7-10am tomorrow & I’m afraid of losing our home. Please pray hard that we won’t have any flood, losing our house, or lose our electricity. We almost lost our house to the last storm like this & flooded so I’m petrified. Pray to have me, my cats, & my family protected as well as having our bond fixed.
Also, pray for me to get the job with Bear Staffing as a receptionist & that I won’t get fired. I’ve been fired from 2 jobs due to my anxiety & have been unemployed 6 years with no luck of finding work. I’ll also be a full time college student in August so pray that I’ll succeed in college while working with this company. Asking for prayers for myself and three beautiful little girls as we go forward each day to have the Lord’s guidance, love, a hedge of protection, and the faith to know that wherever we are headed the grace of God has already been there. And we ask and pray that the Lord come into our hearts and lift us up each day.
In Jesus name I pray… Amen. Please pray for mie, my kids safety through the hurricane here in Florida. Also requesting prayers for financial blessing where I or my kids never lack.. Praying that I I'm blessed with the Job I applied for at the sheriff office.... Heal my body from pain (back) and chest pain. Devil you are a Liar.. Rebuke him in Jesus Name.. Amen William Sollenberger
Received: July 7, 2021
Received: July 7, 2021
Received: July 7, 2021
Received: July 7, 2021
Received: July 7, 2021
Received: July 7, 2021
Received: July 7, 2021
Received: July 7, 2021
Received: July 6, 2021
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