You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Dear heavenly Father, I appreciate all your love & support:
1. I'm praying for someone that is on a mission to ruin what others have built & are not looking at the big picture (all parties messed up) & instead, she is trying to destroy others. That is because she isn't happy. I pray that God helps everything work out for the best for all parties involved.
2. Father God, help me to stop making excuses & get out of bed and work out almost every day. To allow me to get stronger and lose weight.
3. Please let there be no more issues with my new home & that I can close on or before June 10, 2021. Please allow the construction to be done accurately.
4. Please HELP & strengthen my relationship. Let HIM SEE he takes his outside frustration out on me. I ask that you let him know the issue & fix it. He has gotten better with his temper but pushes me away when he is upset. Please let him see everything I do for him & appreciate me.
5. Thank you for your blessings!
***Trust God & Speak it into existence*** thank you, God, for being there for me! Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me and I'm grateful for your blessings everyday life.
I'm feeling a little bit better than did this morning but need to accept that I have to redo my theory test again.
Also I pray that Daniel and I will stay together through every stage in life. Through good and bad, we grow together as a couple happily in love for the rest of our lives together. That everything works out for us as a couple and spend the rest of our lives together with many good things to look forward to together.
I do love you Daniel very much and hope that you do feel the same way.
Thank you. Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me and I'm grateful for your blessings everyday life.
Everything just seems to be a mess right now like I'm not worthy of living a life. A young life as 2 years ago had been revising for my theory test and now I'll have to do it again. As it's going to expire, I put my life and soul into this yet it feels like I'm not worthy of a life. Since I've had to deal with this setback and nobody else has to who I know.
There are other students who my driving instructor teaches, they understand which I feel for them too.
It's like whatever I want to do is always a setback and later in life. Nobody understands my pain and embarrassment as done everything later in life.
Also the man who I truly love - Daniel doesn't even love me as much as I love him. As he left me and already had ever lasting love with another woman. I never had that with a guy and feel trapped. As he says he loves me but does another thing so he is putting me on hold. Everyone says be patient which I understand they mean well but everything is just taking ages for me.
It just feels like I'm not worthy of a life otherwise wouldn't keep getting continuous setbacks and disappointments.
I'm beyond fed up and heartbroken now yet if the housework needs to be done. Everyone wants me for that but if I wanted to do anything at a young age, then it's like I don't deserve it.
I've had enough as gone back to my self destructive ways as the man who I truly love doesn't love me properly.
Please just hear my prayer and voice as I need you right now.
Thank you. I need prayers for myself. I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle with depression. I'm running out of hope and faith. Help all the people of the world to have more empathy and compassion for others. Empathy and compassion are an incredible but challenging gifts of insight you have given to help us to understand others and live by the philosophy of live and let live. Grant us more empathy and compassion so that we can heal as a people and grow to be better people, as better people we can help those who are truly suffering and in need of help. With a greater capacity for having empathy and compassion for others we can show humility for ourselves and help others. By touch our souls to grow our empathy and compassion we can be grow to new heights as kind and generous people that serve the less well off that are in our communities. Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me and I'm grateful for your blessings everyday life.
Everything just seems to be a mess right now like I'm not worthy of living a life. A young life as 2 years ago had been revising for my theory test and now I'll have to do it again. As it's going to expire, I put my life and soul into this yet it feels like I'm not worthy of a life. Since I've had to deal with this setback and nobody else has to who I know.
There are other students who my driving instructor teaches, they understand which I feel for them too.
It's like whatever I want to do is always a setback and later in life. Nobody understands my pain and embarrassment as done everything later in life.
Also the man who I truly love - Daniel doesn't even love me as much as I love him. As he left me and already had ever lasting love with another woman. I never had that with a guy and feel trapped. As he says he loves me but does another thing so he is putting me on hold. Everyone says be patient which I understand they mean well but everything is just taking ages for me.
It just feels like I'm not worthy of a life otherwise wouldn't keep getting continuous setbacks and disappointments.
I'm beyond fed up and heartbroken now yet if the housework needs to be done. Everyone wants me for that but if I wanted to do anything at a young age, then it's like I don't deserve it.
I've had enough as gone back to my self destructive ways as the man who I truly love doesn't love me properly.
Please just hear my prayer and voice as I need you right now.
Thank you. I can’t take much more of this!
My best friend Shelby will not leave me alone. I was just at her house yesterday & she’s already wanting me back. I’m tired of her using me as a backup babysitter. I come to her home 3-4 days a week & she will not take responsibility for her actions.
She keeps her 2 year old cousin still & does not tell the parents “no.” Her husband is getting mad because she won’t spend time with him & keeps enabling the baby’s parents to not keep her. Shelby smokes 2-3 packs of cigarettes a day & I keep getting sick from breathing it in. I wish her mom would help me & see how she keeps pulling me in.
Shelby is even drinking occasionally with her anxiety & bipolar medicine. She let the baby’s parents send nude photos to her phone & didn’t turn them in for the pornography. I want our friendship back but I can’t take the smoking & using anymore. She fights me & cusses me out when I tell her “no” on anything. We split our friendship up last year over this same thing...
Please pray for Shelby to see how selfish she is being & that she’ll quit using me. Please pray for her mom Lisa to see what she’s doing to me & Dakota. Also, for her to have a huge wake up call on her smoking. She’s already been to the hospital for it but won’t stop & is now drinking. I want her back but not like this & I need my time for my college & job... ;(
I’m begging for help!! Intercede for son He is on road to turn his life around..pray for perseverance, strength and his made whole. That he will Fight against the wiles of the enemy. He s an child of God. Dear heavenly Father, I appreciate all your love & support:
1. I'm praying for someone that is on a mission to ruin what others have built & are not looking at the big picture (all parties messed up) & instead, she is trying to destroy others. That is because she isn't happy. I pray that God helps everything work out for the best for all parties involved.
2. Father God, help me to stop making excuses & get out of bed and work out almost every day. To allow me to get stronger and lose weight.
3. Please let there be no more issues with my new home & that I can close on or before June 15, 2021. Please allow the construction to be done accurately.
4. Please HELP & strengthen my relationship. Let HIM SEE he takes his outside frustration out on me. I ask that you let him know the issue & fix it. He has gotten better with his temper but pushes me away when he is upset. Please let him see everything I do for him & appreciate me.
5. Thank you for your blessings!
***Trust God & Speak it into existence*** thank you, God, for being there for me! I came and pray as humble as I know i can confessing the sins that I committed. I am not perfect an I fall short everyday of my life. Thanking you for every blessing I received. I am also praying for the healing of my broken heart and broken relationship. I just let the man I truly loved for a long time to marry the one the he thinks to be the one without clearing things up with him. I know he loved me for a long time (2 decades) that the fact of having a relationship with me scares him so much that he might loose me and I am afraid of losing him. I dont know why I cant say that i love him when he told me he loved me. And now its finally over. I have to let him go and pray for his happiness and hoping he would be loved more that I Loved and cared for him. May she know how special he is and makes him happy. My love for him will always be there as I promised until the day I die. I hope God gives me the strength to let go and move away from him now that he belongs to someone else. I hope that one day when I wake up the hurt will be gone and my heart heals and is ready again to give so much love to others. To the man that God has prepared for me if He did. There is a lot of things that stresses me right now but this one hurts the most. After losing my father and my foster brother he is all I’ve got. A man who loves me unconditionally and cared for me so much morethan half of my life. He was my bestfriend now, I need to distance myself from him so that I wont be a problem as they start their married life and may the good Lord protect their relationship. I also pray for financial breakthrough and carrier breakthrough. I needed something to put my mind to focus on so I wont feel so alone and depressed.
Please pray for me.. Anonymous
Received: May 24, 2021
Received: May 24, 2021
Received: May 24, 2021
Received: May 24, 2021
Received: May 24, 2021
Received: May 24, 2021
Katelyn Greer
Received: May 24, 2021
Received: May 24, 2021
Received: May 23, 2021
Received: May 23, 2021
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