You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me and I'm grateful for your blessings everyday life.
I'm just so upset missing Daniel and it's out of my control. Believe me doing my best to move forward in life but it's like everything is taking ages. I know about you can't rush something that you want to last forever. Which I do with Daniel but the pain is so deep and miss him so much.
Just listen to me please.
Thank you. Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me and I'm grateful for your blessings everyday life.
I pray that everything goes confidently and smoothly today as really need it.
I trust your divine intervention and will come true very soon.
Thank you. Please pray for my son that he is victorious in every area of the accusations being made against him. That he is able to go back to school without any problems, that his innocence is proven without a shadow of a doubt. Also pray that God blesses me with a reliable car so I can start attending church in person again, and that the isolation does not overwhelm me. Dear heavenly Father, I appreciate all your love & support:
1. Please continue to strengthen my relationship; he has gotten a temper lately & yells at me often. Please HELP HIM SEE he takes his outside frustration out on me. I ask that you let him know the issue & fix it. He has gotten better with his temper but pushes me away when he is upset. Please let him see everything I do for him & appreciate me.
2. I'm praying for someone that is on a mission to ruin what others have built & are not looking at the big picture (all parties messed up) & instead, she is trying to destroy others. That is because she isn't happy. I pray that God helps everything work out for the best for all parties involved.
3. Father God, help me to stop making excuses & get out of bed and work out almost every day. To allow me to perform better.
4. I'm praying for those that mothers are not allowing their kids to talk & see their fathers. Children should not be used as leverage in adult conversations or to get to their Ex.
5. Please let there be no more issues with my new home & that I can close on June 15, 2021. Please allow the construction to be done accurately.
6. My haters are continuing to slandering my name. They are gossiping about me & it's becoming more & more ridiculous. I pray that they stop & that God protects me.
7. Thank you for your blessings!
***Trust God & Speak it into existence*** thank you, God, for being there for me! Please pray for my son that he is victorious in every area of the accusations being made against him. That he is able to go back to school without any problems, that his innocence is proven without a shadow of a doubt. Also pray that God blesses me with a reliable car so I can start attending church in person again, and that the isolation does not overwhelm me. Please help me everyone.
1. My representative training has been fluctuating on & off due to bad signal & I really need this training to be successful in my job with CutCo. Please pray extra hard that my connection will be back to normal to get everything important to be working. I’ve been fired from 2 jobs & don’t have much work experience & I NEED this for college loans to pay off.
2. For me to start making more sales in my Savvi clothing business. I had one lady named Taylor who was interested but I haven’t had the time to get back to her. Please pray very hard that Taylor will accept my commitment with Savvi & to get more women on my team. Nobody in my hometown will hire me so I need to do well in these 2 businesses.
3. About people using me. My mom’s family keep expecting me to take care of them & not work. I’ve been unemployed 6 years & they refuse to help me with my mom & Nanny. All I am to them is a full time babysitter. They can have good degrees & work, but they won’t let me better myself. I wish I could break away from them to start making my own money & life at nearly 30 years old.
4. About my best friend using me for babysitting & enabling her cousin. Her cousin Brian will not take care of his baby & she’s always sick. Shelby is still sick from not quitting smoking & the baby is always giving her some type of illness. She tries to get me pulled in but I have to build myself up & she won’t say no to Brian. PLEASE pray that I can break away from these people from babysitting & that I WILL keep these 2 jobs. Also, pray for Shelby to stop smoking forever & either stop enabling Brian or get parental rights of the baby. I can’t take this anymore... Even pray for Shelby’s mom to step in because it’s gotten too much for me to handle. Thank
Everyone, please help me... I feel like all I can do is keep getting fired or being a babysitter & I’m tired of being people's pushover... ;( Thank you God for removing the roadblocks from the blessing you are sending me. Thank you for opening the doors to this greatest season and pouring your blessings on me. I pray that W will talk to me soon and that we can grow not only our friendship but to begin a new loving romantic relationship.
I'm about to walk into the greatest season of my life and I claim it!! This season will be the season of love, and I will enter into a loving relationship with W. To all the brethrens here, im asking for your deep prayer. I really want to go back to school but unfortunately, i stopped last year because of financial problem and due of the sudden strike of Covid 19 I will not be able to go back to school; especially only one member of our family has a job so no one will support me financially. I know God has better plan for my future and i put my trust in him. I am here now asking for your prayer that God will answers all my prayers. Thank you and Godbless y'all Father God, Thank you for blessing me with physically healing. It has been a long 12 months! I pray for my home life. Please fill my house with your peace and love! I ask you bless my finances as I am a single mom and things have been tough. Help me to see you in all things and fill me with your holy spirit. I put my life and future in your hands. Please direct my step and guido me as I seek your will. Put your hand in my relationship with my boyfriend as we have doubts and want your will and presense in our lives. Father God, Thank you for blessing me with physically healing. It has been a long 12 months! I pray for my home life. Please fill my house with your peace and love! I ask you bless my finances as I am a single mom and things have been tough. Help me to see you in all things and fill me with your holy spirit. I put my life and future in your hands. Please direct my step and guido me as I seek your will. Put your hand in my relationship with my boyfriend as we have doubts and want your will and presense in our lives.Anonymous
Received: May 15, 2021
Received: May 15, 2021
Received: May 15, 2021
Received: May 15, 2021
Received: May 14, 2021
Katelyn Greer
Received: May 14, 2021
Received: May 14, 2021
Merry Trenie Marquez
Received: May 14, 2021
Received: May 14, 2021
Received: May 14, 2021
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