You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Dear heavenly Father, I appreciate all your love & support:
1. I'm praying for someone that is on a mission to ruin what others have built & are not looking at the big picture (all parties messed up) & instead, she is trying to destroy others. That is because he isn't happy. I pray that God helps everything work out for the best for all parties involved.
2. Father God, help me to stop making excuses & get out of bed and work out almost every day. To allow me to perform better.
3. I'm praying for those that mothers are not allowing their kids to talk & see their fathers. Children should not be used as leverage in adult conversations or to get to their Ex.
4. Please let there be no more issues with my new home & that I can close on June 15, 2021. Please allow the construction to be done accurately.
5. Please continue to strengthen my relationship; he has gotten a temper lately & yells at me often. Please HELP HIM SEE he takes his outside frustration out on me. I ask that you let him know the issue & fix it. He has gotten better with his temper but pushes me away when he is upset. Please let him see everything I do for him & appreciate me.
6. My haters are continuing to slandering my name. They are gossiping about me & it's becoming more & more ridiculous. I pray that they stop & that God protects me.
7. Thank you for your blessings!
***Trust God & Speak it into existence*** thank you, God, for being there for me! I pray fervently that I may pass my OET exam in June 2021. This is my 4th, and it is the only exam I am waiting to pass in order to achieve my qualification. I pray for his guidance on that day, to bless me and remove my worries and anxiety on that day so that I can focus. I pray for His enlightenment to discern my real purpose here on earth. I ready now for His calling to be His messenger of goodwill and to be His instrument.
I pray for His forgiveness for all the sins I have committed and may He renew my heart, mind and spirit. Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me and I'm grateful for your blessings everyday life.
I love Daniel very much and hope that we are together again soon. That everything works out for us as a couple happily in love for the rest of our lives together.
Thank you for healing my pain when I was in physically pain. Along with helping me to heal my dehydration and my toe pain as it's really hurting.
I trust your divine intervention and will come true very soon.
Thank you. I really need help. My fiancé won’t respond to my texts now like he used but will answer other people on the internet instead. We were planning to get married next year & I don’t want anyone messing up our engagement. Pray that he isn’t cheating on me & that he’s not going back to his old ways & friends.
It’s like since he’s had to work back in fast food, Robbie isn’t the same person & our relationship isn’t the same. I just want my old Robbie back & for people to leave us alone. I want him to have his old warehouse job back & for us to be the way we used to be... ;( Please pray that god will forgive me my sins That's god will save my soul from all my sins that I could be a peace in rest with god That god will have mercy on me give me salvation I've become a born again Christian that I be real acted in my soul that all my sins are forgiven Please pray I live in the group home The supervisor in the Group am he spreading lies and gossip against me he has something against me he's holding grudges and he's judging Destroying my relationship with my friends and family He's telling my family a bunch of lies and gossiping to make me look bad for my family to turn on me to become enemies with me and my friends My aunt's best friend Donna is believing everything he has said against me she is a green everything he said against me I'm 48 years old She says that I should suffer be punished and be just guys Oh she believes everything he's saying against me I have to suffer because of he's lying He never gives Good positive report to my family he's He has an attitude he has aggressive behavior towards me Can you put me on contractor to threat in my house and into threaten me he's turning to agency against me that have me put out of the whole where I have no place to live Everybody is turning against me their staff my friends and my family He's closing enemies in my life I'm a very loving caring Person I don't deserve to Be treated that way He is not open and honest and positive he looks naked late towards me My family asked for a good report on me he gives lies gossips and baby points I never get out of the house I'm locked in the house 24 hours a day My aunt's best friend doesn't take me out the house to spend time with I pray that she was still taking me out of the house and spend time with me Then we could have a close on relationship again He's destroying my relationship with her My aunt lives in Florida I pray that she will come in June Then we can spend time together as a family and be together I like to do overnight at the house when my and is there He's giving me a hard time to spend time with my aunt's best friend and do overnights have my aunt's best friend's house my aunt's best friend is denying everything she's believing everything you said she's meant to leave emotionally abusive My aunt is believing everything she has said what she said to against me I prayed on my and speak up for me find my battles and Stick up for me and find my battles and stop believing everything he has said against me that my aunt will take my side and not there his side and not the stairs side He is jeopardizing and threading my house and I he put me on contract to put me out in the streets cause he doesn't like me he's holding grudge and judgment My house and is that jeopardy because of the contract Please pray that I will get off the contract Please pray that'll be home us in the street I shelter wise Please pray that I will keep my house in Please play I would keep my house in never lose my house My therapist is trying to get me and other agencies for other waiting this father group homes My aunt is telling her that I should stay where I'm at I god needs to open up my aunt's eyes to see the real truth that she will change your mind and call my therapist and put me in other agencies are waiting this Future another place to live it's a 2 year group home it's a halfway house it's a recovery house Please bring don't lose my house because of him spreading lies and gossip for my family to believe and turn against me Please pray that she would change your mind and Call my therapist to put me on other house and waiting list I'm gonna couple of reinless for couple other houses please pray that will be a open up bobby bye next year Please pray for my pets my praying Mantis People are so cruel to them heard them steps I mean told you them They are god's creatures they don't deserve to be and hurt Please pray for their safety there I worry so much about them for their safety People have told you to way when I know they're in danger a squeak and I go to for their safety I'm like a human mom forgot creatures praying Mantis Fell off a tree it was severely injured I took it in in rescue dead I got better it has it's eggs it was pregnant I took it in it had babies I Raise the babies I raised them for 5 years It's bring your they had cheeks I take good care of god creatures my purpose To be on earth Protect oh god Can you human cutiness for mankind Please pray that they stay in good health that did not hurt injured or ran I'm human cool goodness Please pray that god will be Protect me for my enemies when they attack coming When they persecute Attack me torture me persecute me like I will fight my battles against my enemies And the time of trouble when they attack the things will be okay I give you peace with god and I could be a pc of my friends and family My aunt's best friend is attacking me he is attacking me please pray to my pants will not attack me but she starting to attack me He's been supervisor for 5 months He's causing problems strictly severe bad words To take away or freedom Take away or store breaks Take away us going outside for fresh He's keeping us locked up 24 hours a day and home He is taken away all for you them and we have to write that have all for you Please pray to someday he be removed fine a new ministrator He will not be there too long that somebody could replace something that we can get a freedom back We could go to the store we could go outside to get fresh air and I'll be locked up in the house 24 hours a day He's causing problems it's costing too much rules And I am being attacked I am being attacked by being persecuted tornado in tortured because of the rules Every time somebody does something well key points are thing at me and I get punished and blame for everything and picked on He tells to my aunt's best friend every line and gossip and it has nothing to do with me it's something to do another person She believes him I prayed I 1 day my family will catch you I pray to 1 day my family will catch them in ally that is my big prayer that they will catch it knowing he's a liar I've been telling them how I feel about him Turned around say he's a nice person They don't live there and see what I say that I mean it persecuted He's blaming everything on me by breaking the rules The rules are so strike he get no freedoms What am I supposed to do I want my freedom When other residents breakables hi porches thing He is out of control rules around He's very controlling towards me nose and she uses in persecutes especially make a lot of residents do not like him I specially don't like him he is becoming my enemies he's turning the residents against me when we have a group meeting hi points are finger at me to make me look bad and fun of my friends my friends get very angry at me and I'm an innocent person I feeling being a victim because of this They're watching me and spying on me 24 hours a day I feel like I'm being stalked on it's not fair It's not fair that I have to live this way Everywhere supposed to get them off the allowance he has taken my money in my allowance against me refused to give it to me and giving me a hard time and that is title to my money he takes it away when I ask them for it to get very nasty and very aggressive because he doesn't wanna give me my money that I deserve to get He holds it against me I was supposed to get my money every Tuesday when I ask him he has aggressive attitude say We'll see if you get your money all depends on your behavior He has to behave your problem not me Hi blames his behavior towards me when he Is the 1 with to behavior problem Can you makes me look best saying I'm a very Bad person I have a bad Very nipple 8 had aggressive And a kind artist Any says I'm a trouble maker I'm a ring Deborah's powers in the rupaul I don't deserve to be mentally tortures Keep playing this his behavior towards me He calls me and you office all the time picking On me he Bringing me in the office and constantly talking me talking down on me persecuted me Doesn't staff member She talks about the devil all the time She's very aggressive and has a very nasty attitude she treats the residence very coolly She's a Jehovah witness and they don't believe in god she told us about the devil and worships the devil to make us look that She makes it very uncomfortable She is not understanding she's very stressed I prayed at someday god will remove her from the Group home To be place or that she will retire and find another job She's making people it was faith in god she puts She talks about the devil That's not shipment god talking bad about god to turn people away Write god I pray everyday for this prayer for me and for my pets for my family that God we forgive me my sins and have mercy on me Amen Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me and I'm grateful for your blessings everyday life.
I'm just so fed up as have to pick up after everyone in the house, 6 other people. Don't want to celebrate my birthday as haven't done everything what I wanted to straight away.
If it's mine and Fluffy's mess don't mind picking that up as to be responsible. I'm so fed up and had missed out on 3 years of a relationship at a young age. I couldn't have that love at a young age like other people and feel ashamed, disgusted and embarrassed in myself.
I'm just so fed up honestly I've missed out on life as of housework. Please just hear my prayer and give me what's left of my life back.
I'm so fed up and been in pain for the last 2 years. It's like I'm not meant to live a life as every time I work hard towards my goals just get obstacles.
Please hear my voice and prayers.
Thank you. Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and blood pressure issues. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and become newer each day. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve and aunt Jackie In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen Kingdom marriage!!
My prayer request is for a Godly kingdom marriage one day (Hopefully sooner than later). I just pray for a helper to enter into my life whenever the time would be right in God's eyes again (Hopefully sooner than later). My hope is that this person will be able/willing to help me with my purpose in life and maybe even share the same purpose lord willing.Anonymous
Received: May 13, 2021
Received: May 12, 2021
Received: May 12, 2021
Received: May 12, 2021
Received: May 12, 2021
Received: May 12, 2021
Phil Chavez
Received: May 12, 2021
Received: May 12, 2021
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