You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! My father I come to pray over my life I need your blessing with peace I know I just changed schools but I’m trusting you with this change with my life. Through the strength u give me I’m Going to keep going and keep my hope that the change was worth it but I know everything happens for a reason god I just hope that I do my best and u give me strength a clear mind and drive for success and no disappointments please god let me succeed. Amen To start building clientele for my Savii clothing business & that Koala will contact me. The people on my social media pages are not taking me seriously & I really need the money & want this to soar. Please pray for me to excel in these 2 companies & that people on social media will start buying my clothes items. I really need my boss Brittany to contact me but she hasn’t contacted me in nearly 2 months. I need the mockers to be put aside & for my business to rise. I even need me & Robbie’s relationship fixed because we’re not the same. I really need your help. I have a job interview on Monday at 12:45 pm & this will help me make an income while I’m in college. My soon to be mother & father in law aren’t getting along like we used to. I don’t know why they’re acting funny around me but I’ve done nothing wrong & I want what we had back.
Please pray very hard for me to get this job & do do very well on the interview Monday to say the right things. Also, please pray for me & my future in laws to have the bond that we used to have. I even need prayers for me & my fiancé to get a job at the warehouse where he used to work, because he was happy there & he’s spending money frivolously with depression. I wish he could get his job back & learn to save money so me & him could have financial assurance... Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me and I'm grateful for your blessings everyday life.
I love Daniel very much and pray that everything works out for us as a couple happily in love. For the rest of our lives together and we will grow together as a couple.
I trust your divine intervention and will come true very soon.
Thank you. Dear servant Of God,
Kindly Pray to God Almighty for His Financial Outpouring Anointing to Quickly rush all over me and locate me. pray for the Millionaires Financial Anointing to be upon me. Am a farmer waiting for the Rains to fall in my farm. pray for the Heavy Rain Anointing to fall in my location. thank you and God bless you too. Amen Thank you God for removing the roadblocks from the blessing you are sending me. Thank you for opening the doors to this greatest season and pouring your blessings on me. I pray that W will talk to me soon and that we can grow not only our friendship but to begin a new loving romantic relationship.
I'm about to walk into the greatest season of my life and I claim it!! This season will be the season of love, and I will enter into a loving relationship with W. Dear heavenly Father, I appreciate all your love & support:
1. I'm praying for someone that is not looking at the big picture (all parties messed up) & instead is trying to bring people down with her. I pray that God helps everything work out for the best for all parties involved.
2. Please continue to strengthen my relationship; he has gotten a temper lately & yells at me often. Please HELP HIM SEE he takes his outside frustration out on me. I ask that you let him know the issue & fix it. Please let him see everything I do for him & appreciate me.
3. I'm praying for those that mothers are not allowing their kids to talk & see their fathers. Children should not be used as leverage in adult conversations or to get to their Ex.
4. Please let there be no more issues with the new home & that I can close on June 15, 2021. Please allow the construction to be done accurately.
5. My haters are continuing to slandering my name. They are gossiping about me & it's becoming more & more ridiculous. I pray that they stop & that God protects me.
6. Father God, help me to stop making excuses & get out of bed and work out almost every day. To allow me to get stronger for my physical test.
7. Thank you for your blessings!
***Trust God & Speak it into existence*** thank you, God, for being there for me! Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me and I'm grateful for your blessings everyday life.
I'm just beyond upset it feels as if I'm not worthy of living a life. As couldn't keep a guy for long term relationship and yet I wanted to. The housework made me put my life on hold and when I'm finally working hard to make a better life. It gets taken away from me and it feels like I'm going around in circles.
I'm in so much pain don't want to celebrate my birthday as haven't made my dreams come true at a young age. Yet you answer other people's prayers (As in people in my home area and just who I see being all happy going out and I know them)
My driving is just taking a long time as been revising for the last 4 years and passed my theory test. Every time I have a dream just get a massive obstacle like the pandemic. This clearly seemed written to happen as I'm not proud of myself no matter what I convince myself. Just ashamed, depressed and disappointed in myself.
Every time I imagine having goals they get taken away from me like I'm not meant to do anything. While other people who I know around me in person can have their prayers answered. I'm just going through constant pain without having a young, proud accomplishment in my life.
Believe me I'm doing my best to get through every day like to work hard. Do more things but it's like other people around me are doing better and I'm missing out on life outside of the house.
I just can't do this anymore as don't feel good enough. Dear heavenly Father, I appreciate all your love & support:
1. I'm praying for someone that is not looking at the big picture (all parties messed up) & instead is trying to bring people down with her. I pray that God helps everything work out for the best for all parties involved.
2. Please continue to strengthen my relationship; he has gotten a temper lately & yells at me often. Please HELP HIM SEE he takes his outside frustration out on me. I ask that you let him know the issue & fix it. Please let him see everything I do for him & appreciate me.
3. Please let there be no more issues with the new home & that I can close on June 15, 2021. Please allow the construction to be done accurately.
4. My haters are continuing to slandering my name. They are gossiping about me & it's becoming more & more ridiculous. I pray that they stop & that God protects me.
5. Father God, help me to stop making excuses & get out of bed and work out almost every day. To allow me to get stronger for my physical test.
6. Thank you for your blessings!
***Trust God & Speak it into existence*** thank you, God, for being there for me! I need a stable income due to my 6 year unemployment gap & nobody hiring me. Please pray that Savii & Koala will give me a stable income & that I will achieve my dreams of becoming a model. I've been wanting this since I was 16 & have actually been dirt poor since I was 16 with no job experience.
I've been a full time caretaker of my mom & Nanny but my relatives won't help me & they're very rude to me. They've even let me go without a car for 3 years after my last car got totaled & it was not my fault. My 21 year old car needs to be fixed & I have no job or income to save money.
For me & my fiance Robbie to have our engagement fixed. He's on a path of destruction of spending way too much money & he can't find another good job like he had before he got laid off. Ever since he lost his warehouse job, my relationship with my in-laws are different & me & my fiancé are not the same... Robbie is even putting all of his weight back on & not wanting to have good hygiene anymore due to stress & depression.
Please pray hard for me to become a supermodel & to get these 2 companies on a higher ground. Also, for me & Robbie to have our dream jobs & that we'll get to have a baby daughter biologically of our own. We both need to be healthy role models for her as well as having stable money to keep our future family secure. I want my beautiful relationship back with my in-laws & to make them proud too. They don't need a bum daugher-in-law.
I don't want to relive the horrible family & poor life that I'm going through right now... I miss having savings & freedom & when I lost my dad, that's when Mom's family took charge & I can't break free from these chains. Prayer warriors, PLEASE help me!!Briana
Received: May 8, 2021
Received: May 7, 2021
Received: May 7, 2021
Received: May 7, 2021
pirfa wilfred kumbin
Received: May 7, 2021
Received: May 7, 2021
Received: May 7, 2021
Received: May 7, 2021
Received: May 7, 2021
Received: May 7, 2021
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