You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Please pray that I be delivered from all that is evil please pray pray for my heart and my soul to be free from all that is holding me please pray for my health and my heart to heal Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me and my boyfriend - Daniel. That everything works out for the rest of our lives together happily in love.
Also all week my family had been telling me to shush and be quiet. I'm fed up of living in a place where can't even have a chat without anyone telling me off. It's happened to me everyday this week and just fed up of this. Only stay because of Fluffy but the atmosphere is just unbearable and can't deal with the fact my family would do this to me.
Please hear my prayer and make it happen very soon.
I trust your divine intervention and will come true very soon.
Thank you. My Heavenly Father, asking you to pls cover neat and I and protection fromcovid 19 while we here in Arizona.. Keep us safe and free from the virus .. I know we let our guard down, pls forgive us. Cover us in your blood Jesus.. Amen
My Heavenly Father, asking you to pls cover neat and I and protection fromcovid 19 while we here in Arizona.. Keep us safe and free from the virus .. I know we let our guard down, pls forgive us. Cover us in your blood Jesus.. Amen
My Heavenly Father, asking you to pls cover neat and I and protection fromcovid 19 while we here in Arizona.. Keep us safe and free from the virus .. I know we let our guard down, pls forgive us. Cover us in your blood Jesus.. Amen
My Heavenly Father, asking you to pls cover neat and I and protection from covid 29 while we here in Arizona.. Keepmus safe and free from the virus .. I know we let our guard down, pls forgive us. Cover us in your blood Jesus.. Amen
My Heavenly Father, asking you to pls cover neat and I and protection from covid 29 while we here in Arizona.. Keepmus safe and free from the virus .. I know we let our guard down, pls forgive us. Cover us in your blood Jesus.. Amen
My Heavenly Father, asking you to pls cover neat and I and protection from covid 29 while we here in Arizona.. Keepmus safe and free from the virus .. I know we let our guard down, pls forgive us. Cover us in your blood Jesus.. Amen
My Heavenly Father, asking you to pls cover neat and I and protection from covid 29 while we here in Arizona.. Keepmus safe and free from the virus .. I know we let our guard down, pls forgive us. Cover us in your blood Jesus.. Amen
My Heavenly Father, asking you to pls cover neat and I and protection from covid 29 while we here in Arizona.. Keepmus safe and free from the virus .. I know we let our guard down, pls forgive us. Cover us in your blood Jesus.. Amen
shamira Hollis
Received: March 20, 2021
Received: March 20, 2021
Lindal ways
Received: March 20, 2021
Lindal ways
Received: March 20, 2021
Lindal ways
Received: March 20, 2021
Lindal ways
Received: March 20, 2021
Lindal ways
Received: March 20, 2021
Lindal ways
Received: March 20, 2021
Lindal ways
Received: March 20, 2021
Lindal ways
Received: March 20, 2021
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