You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! To lose 10-15 pounds in a healthy way. Cut back on eating portions & be able to have savings again. To have my mom not make our electric bill so high & my insurance to be free, because I don’t have a job & I can’t afford it but I really need health insurance. That my 20 year old car will last me a very long time & that I’ll never go without a car again. I’m dort poor & am very afraid for my health too. For me to get all my files printed for my college teacher lesson plans. For my grades not to drop & not to fail college to get full financial aid & scholarships. To get a job at New Generation school where I volunteer at & not have an unemployment gap ever again. That me & my fiancé Robbie will get closer & have a long, healthy marriage after college. For my best friend Shelby & I to be close again & for her husband to get a job promotion. Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me and I'm grateful for your blessings everyday. Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me and I'm grateful for your blessings everyday. Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me and I'm grateful for your blessings everyday. My granddaughters comes from divorces family .. her dad is messed up in a relationship with a train wreck of a women ... they do not treat Willow my granddaughter good .... his girlfriend loves drama and to keeps it stirred up constantly going back to Court over anything... continuous disfunction.... I can see my granddaughter withdrawing and cries and hates to go there ... there is stuff going on there that no child should be subjected to ... the girlfriend also has 5 children by 3 different men.. 3 teenage boys in the house ... I pray for God to change this situation for this innocent child... I have prayed for months and months .. please I need pray warriors! Thank you ! Dear God,
Please provide my husband and I with job offers for the jobs in which we had interviews for. Lord we are also begging you kindly to provide us with jobs and finance to purchase a home. Amen! I need a breakthrough for justice of what all happened to me from 2019 to the present. In 2019, people kept stirring horrible rumors about me in church & it was so bad, that I had to leave. I didn't even do anything wrong & I told my preacher & his wife & they didn't believe me. The families that caused me this pain also broke up a guy of 3 years, a best friend of 14 years & 4 other friendships to turn away from me. People kept spreading boyfriend rumors about me in church & there was no boyfriend. When that was going around, a guy named Zach kept chasing me in church & the family lying about me was backing him up. This family caused Garret to completely turn on me & left me for another girl. She has caused him to be arrogant & I wanted to talk to him about the lie but she would never let me have a chance. Please pray for Garret, Kaylin, & everyone else to see these 2 families for who they really are & that the lie they told about me WILL BE exposed. I miss them & Andy & Becky too along with Peggy & Mel. I'm surpassed hurt & even wanted to give Garret a gift but never got to because of all this & a horrible girl who wouldn't quit texting him... I finally had to leave the church 8 months ago... I'm hurt... I want a child badly in the future but I’m in bad circumstances with finances, at home, etc. I have several problems with my scoliosis & calcium. Pray that my calcium will be brought up & that my scoliosis will be straightened somehow. I have no money for a chiropractor & have too much going on but my shoulder blades & scoliosis are getting much worse than a few years ago when it was just minor. My doctor doesn’t want me to have a child biologically because she thinks I’ll be physically disabled from the lack of calcium & scoliosis. This is discouraging. Multiple people we have prayed for have died to COVID & health issues. Pray for their families & their mourning. That there’ll be peace brought For my depression, it’s been getting far worse lately & I'm not okay. I don’t want to be put on medicine with bad side effects but at the same time, I keep crying when I’m stressed. I’m afraid of what all is going on. Anonymous
Received: January 31, 2021
Katelyn Greer
Received: January 31, 2021
Received: January 30, 2021
Received: January 30, 2021
Received: January 30, 2021
Received: January 30, 2021
Received: January 29, 2021
Received: January 29, 2021
Received: January 29, 2021
Received: January 29, 2021
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