You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Dear heavenly Father, I appreciate all your love & support:
1. Thank you, Lord, for allowing your will to be done & for me to get selected for promotion to MGySgt. Please soften the hearts of the MGySgt’s to change their way of thinking into a positive light about me.
2. Please allow us to pass with flying colors during our February 2021 inspection. Or wait for it to be delayed until I depart.
3. Please allow me to receive my orders to North Carolina this week!
4. Thank you, Lord. I am blessed to be having a new house built. Please let there be no issues & that I can close on the house on or before 15 May 2021. Please allow the construction to be done before or on 15 May 2021.
5. Thank you in advance for helping make my May of 2021 move to North Carolina an easy transition. Please help me receive orders to move in May of 2021.
6. Thank you for your blessings!
***Trust God & Speak it into existence*** thank you, God, for being there for me! my husband is cheating and want to divorce. we have 3 kids together and he was most sincere christian.. he's controlled by satan and seem like he cant get out.. God I want to keep this family even though i am so hurt n humiliated. Please make him come back and ask me the forgiveness.. God if he still wants to leave Give us way to live where, what to do... i don't have anything but You Dear God,
Praying for the person on my heart (AP). May you open up his heart and mind and have him be more open to communication and relationship with me. I just want to get to know him God! I have backed off and gave him many opportunities to walk away. But he keeps communication with me on a small level. Dear god, please just open AP’s heart and mind and have us come together to see if we have mutual compatibility. If it’s not meant to be them that is okay, but at least we explored all options.
With Love and Gratitude,
~Me That Brittany Volm will be humble & kind to me. I can't afford the $215 fee for Savii which is an online clothing business. It can be a chance for me to make an income but I quit Beach Body coaching because it was a commission based job too, but Beach Body did not make me any money whatsoever & I lost money in subscription fees. Pray that this will get me a lot of customers to make me money. I really need it & that this will have NO monthly subscription fees & that she'll wave the $215 somehow. Pray that she'll understand that I'm dirt poor & how badly I need stable customers. For me & my fiance Robbie to get closer & not drift apart. We got engaged in November & I love him with all my heart. However, I'm getting very scared now, because he lost his job 2 weeks ago & he took his old job back in fast food & his attitude is starting to really change because of all the bad stress. He loved his job at the warehouse & he was happy with the work he was doing, but this one he really hates. He lost a bunch of weight & was always smiling happy when he worked for the warehouse, but he's putting weight back on out of stress eating & having a poor attitude due to the lack of pay & kids not respecting him. Guys, please pray for Robbie to get his warehouse job back & that he won't go back to the ways of bad dieting & angry attitude. Please pray that me & him will get married & that I'll have a stable income with him soon so we can have a successful marriage. I love him & I don't want us to break up due to stress. Please help us everyone. For my health. I've gained a lot of weight since last year & can't seem to lose it in a healthy way. I have autoimmunity, so when I get sick once, I keep getting sick. My blood pressure is bad & my teeth are starting to chip & break. They don't look strong like they did last year, because I'm lactose intolerant & can't eat dairy items. My hair is even turning white & last year, I had very dark red hair & it's fading rapidly with my health issues. I'm 27 years old & this is very embarrassing to me because I was healthy last year with good weight & no issues. Pray for me to find the right vitamins to take, for me to lose weight in a healthy way, for my teeth to get stronger again, & for my hair to not keep turning white. To get all of my assignments turned in on time & before the due dates for my college classes, & not fall behind on any of my internship forms. To not fail college & make high grades for full financial aid. For scholarship opportunities to come my way for my school & that an all online business will come my way to make a stable income while I'm a full time student. I have no job, job experience, money, or savings & really want to become a school teacher. I even need prayers that I'll pass all sections & exams for teaching, & that the private I volunteer at will hire me. Nobody in my town will give me a job chance. Hello
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Thanks, Rafael Parra Marriage restoration and healing for our family. Husband has moved out of home, lots of hurt, anger, anxiety, betrayal, and bitterness. I pray for our family. Nathan, Clarissa and children. I am going thru a tough time in my life right now and I feel like I’m alone but I know and believe God’s got me but I still feel a way please pray me mentally, physically and spiritually because stress is overcoming my mind , body and soul Anonymous
Received: January 27, 2021
Received: January 27, 2021
Received: January 27, 2021
Received: January 27, 2021
Received: January 26, 2021
Received: January 26, 2021
Received: January 26, 2021
Received: January 26, 2021
Received: January 26, 2021
Received: January 26, 2021
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