You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me and I'm grateful for your blessings everyday.
I really do pray that this lockdown is over soon as honestly fed up of being in quarantine doors all the time. Nothing is ever good enough for the house I live in as get told comments that I should be up early. It's like nothing is ever good enough for this person as got told to turn my alarm off for waking up too early and today I set my alarm clock early as got an online lesson.
Yes things are also hard at home but it weren't me who was the caused of this and the family member is taking it out on me. I do my best but it's never enough, for the first time in 2021 I've been made to feel this way and all I wanted was a loving home.
This has been going on for the last 8 years and can't handle another year like this. There are other people who need to use the bathroom and of course it's not just only me in the house. I understand that but the comments by this family member is bad and even said these comments when I woke up. It's not fair as everyone says "You should wake up in a positive mood" I get that and these are the comments I get.
I do my best to move forward in my life so don't have to live like this but there are always setbacks pulling me back. So now it's like I have no choice but to deal with this and I know this isn't what I deserve.
Also it's been 6 years since my best friend had stopped speaking due to life seperating us. Due to home and education got to focus on them, of course I'm so happy for her wherever my best friend is and what she is doing in the world. I miss her so much especially during this pandemic and felt like as a friend the only person who truly understood my soul and helped me.
Now with the pandemic happening I miss speaking to her as can't talk to my family about things. Only my mum but she is a key worker and can't speak to her as often. I do have friends but don't want to overwhelm them with my problems just thought to let you know God.
In March 2020 life was finally happening to me with my driving getting better, getting the chance to travel to the shop where I volunteer independently and enjoying my life. It felt like my dreams had finally came true living the reality and then ... The pandemic happened which broke my heart as finally living beautiful dreams. I don't know if my driving test will ever happen as of these stop, start restrictions as I done so much and feels like get bad luck even though I wished for good luck.
I wanted to take life opportunities before the pandemic happened but wanted to be a legal driver. Now I feel like everything is lost and just hurt seeing everyone have these beautiful memories together before the pandemic happened. Unlike me who's life was only starting just before the pandemic happened which genuinely breaks my heart.
Also I miss Daniel too and hope that things get better too.
Sorry to go on a bit, however I needed it as can't really speak to anyone about this. As I did say above but to at least allow me to live in my happy place then I'm grateful enough. Just hear my prayer request and make sure that it comes true very soon.
I trust your divine intervention and will come true very soon.
Thank you. Dear God, I pray that my mental health gets better . I struggle with anxiety and depression and sometimes it gets in the way of things . I want to ask for forgiveness, strength, And to be healed. I also want to learn how to control my anger and not get mad so fast over things . Another thing I am praying for is to get back into school and finish strong so I can have a career to provide for me and my daughter .God just please look over me and my daughter.sometimes it’s hard being a single mother but I wouldn’t trade it at all ! I love being a mother I just wish I didn’t have to do it alone . I pray that my daughter father will come to the light and want to be in my daughters life !
Please pray for continued healing specifically for my husbands mental health for him to reconnect with our daughter and for our relationship to survive. For me to make high grades in all 4 of my college courses, get full financial aid with scholarships, & to pass all sections of the GK Exam. If we fail any of the GK Exam, we don't get to keep taking our college courses to finish my degree. Pray that Mrs. Baye Ballew will start liking me & respecting me like the other students & not treat me differently. She's not wanting to give me mercy for some reason. Also, pray that I'll get all my assignments done on time & correctly. I'm scared to death about this. That me & my fiance Robbie will get closer & that we can get married after college. For me to pass all my college classes & teacher exams. Also, for me to get a teacher job position at the school I volunteer for & that I can keep my job so me & Robbie won't ever have to financially struggle like I've been my whole life. I love him & want many years of success with him. Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me this man & that we can work & cherish better health together. We both want to a good job, healthier lifestyles, & a future baby girl of our own in the future after marriage.
I feel awful about ignoring someone. Her name is Brittany Volm, she works for a commission job named Savii. It's only commissions & I can't afford the $215 fee. She texted me 2 weeks ago, but I ignored her because I just don't have money. I want to be in their clothing business but I left Beach Body because it was commissions only & I made no income whatsoever. Brittany has not been seeing my stories or being kind to me. I wish she would just understand & not be hard on me. It is somewhat my fault because I feel like I teased her & then ignored her. I lost money due to the subscription fees too & I've been unemployed for 5 years. People in my town are not kind & either fire me without keeping me long or just don't hire me. Pray that Brittany will contact me & that she won't be mad at me. I wish she could wave that $215 fee so I could do it. Pray that this is not a scam like Beach Body & that she'll start acting humble towards others & me. She needs to understand that people are very broke & I'm one of them. It's been very depressing not having my money or savings. Please pray for continued healing specifically for my husbands mental health for him to reconnect with our daughter and for our relationship to survive. About a lady I used to be friends with Maureen Akey. I used to see her every week but I can't due to being a full time student. She's mad at me because I didn't date her friend Kenny Stroud, but I didn't see him like that. I love her, but she also judged my boyfriend over it & he's a great guy. Pray that Kenny will find a girl who'll be his life long partner & that Maureen Akey will be friends with me & not hate me. Pray that she'll understand that I can't see her like I used to & that she'll know I still love her like a mom. Please pray for continued healing specifically for my husbands mental health for him to reconnect with our daughter and for our relationship to survive. Dear Lord,
Please help to ease my anxiety. I feel I am praying for the wrong things. My small prayer request is to please allow me and AP to meet each other. I am growing weary and I feel a small step like this would benefit us to know if we should move forward. I am grateful for all you do!
With Love and Gratitude,
Received: January 22, 2021
Received: January 22, 2021
Received: January 22, 2021
Received: January 22, 2021
Received: January 22, 2021
Received: January 22, 2021
Received: January 22, 2021
Received: January 22, 2021
Received: January 22, 2021
Received: January 21, 2021
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