You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Pray that I’ll make a stable income with the company Savii & for people to buy my clothing. It’s a commission job & I’m afraid of not making any money at all after I had to quit Beach Body coaching. It wasn’t making me any money at all. Pray that I’ll pass all sections of the General Knowledge Exam & all my classes from St. Leo University. Also, pray for me to lose 20 pounds & that I’ll find a cure for my PCOS. For a wave of money to come in & that we can afford Christmas for everyone. We don’t have a job or any savings anymore. Pray that I’ll find an all online business while I’m in college & that it’ll actually make me a stable income. Even for me to start college in January & that I’ll make the right decisions & earn my Bachelor’s degree. Every job I’ve had, nobody keeps me long because they don’t give me much of a chance or train me long at all & make fun of me... Please Lord bring back my husband let him regret his decisions for asking for this divorce please Lord bring back my husband who I love so much please heal my broken heart soul and body please let me hear from my work today that could go back to work For my mom to have an appointment very soon this month. Her health insurance threatened to drop her & me & her both aren’t working. Even pray that she’ll get approved for supplemental health insurance, her copays have already drained us dry out of savings. Pray that she’ll improve in health too. I truly hope god punhishes you all for ripping people off what do you really do with the seed money you get because god does not want it or is that how mike murdock keeps the money I truly beleive in god becauser my son is with him and can not believe fall for all of your bull shit you say about sowing seeds I hope you get investagated and you get caught for ripping people off and I will not stop seeking the truth were all of that money goes because I knoe it does not go too god and how do you get it to him you are just as bad as though india scammers that rip people off I really hope god forgives you for all of the bullshit you say I cant believe people really fall for this scam I am going to be your worst night mare until I can figure out to hold you accountable for stealing from people that really believe that god wants money to help them I hope you go to hell for this lie and you getting rich from all of this money you get if you are real were does all of the money go I will figure out who will investagate you just like tim and tammy faye baker this is my mission thanks rfebecca Lord thank you for the new job Lord I’m asking for you to bless me with the patience gratitude mental strength and physical strength to excel! I can DO THIS in the mighty name of Jesus Amen Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me and I'm grateful for your blessings everyday life.
Please bless and pray for me soni kumari
My parents positive and relax for my happy marriage future life with sushant Arya
Thank you
I’m asking for a prayer to help me become a better woman I’m asking god to keep me mentally stable healthy throughout everything I’m for my babies as well as my family Anonymous
Received: December 3, 2020
Received: December 3, 2020
Received: December 3, 2020
Received: December 3, 2020
rebecca northrup
Received: December 3, 2020
Received: December 3, 2020
Received: December 3, 2020
Soni kumari
Received: December 3, 2020
Received: December 3, 2020
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