You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Praying for my current relationship. God knows my heart, and how much I love this man. I’ve done everything I can to make it work with us. I’m praying he sees how much I truly love him, and is willing to make the needed sacrifices for our relationship. Please pray for my marriage. God has blessed me with a good job and a great family. Previously when my parents were looking for a marriage alliance i felt i was not ready for marriage so I feel i have done some mistakes without asking God about my decisions then. I feel very bad about it now. I'm waiting for my marriage regarding which i have a number of confusions. My parents are eagerly awaiting the day and are much worried about the delay. I pray that God forgives me of all my mistakes and wrong decisions and free me of my guilt. To bless me with my man and make my parents happy and contended. I am aware of some kind of disturbance in my spiritual life . Please pray for me to be free of it have peace in my prayer life and for strength to wait for the right time.
Thankyou. Praying for the Lord's healing for my mother and for myself. Maybthe Lord continue to grant his blessing of good health to our family and keep us safe from harm. I pray for pandemic to end.
I pray for. my closed deal.
I pray and wish for my birthday this month for. me and my son to have our own place and provide our needs. Please bless all those praying for me. Amen and Amen.
For financial blessings and a permanent house for me and my kids For the Franks and Frison Family I pray for a spiritual healing direction financially stability help me to be a better wife mother and daughter show me the way I lay my burdens down to you Lord you know my needs I pray that on Sept. 11, 2020, I will show a positive result on HCG. It will be a miracle for me to conceive a child. Please pray for me. please pray for our broken relationship and for my bf's salvation. Please pray for him he's fighting addiction and anger issues and it seems like when he's doing great the devil just keeps attacking him and knocking him down. Please pray his work picks up and that God will give him peace and wisdom and strength to face all that is in front of him. Please pray that he finds a truck so that he can continue to do the jobs as they come in. Please pray that I can stay strong and that God helps guide me and i know what's the right thing to do each day. I was let go from my job last Thursday and I am a single mother trying to find another job in this crazy pandemic I’m asking for prayer that God lead me the direction I am supposed to go and bless me with a wonderful job that I can glorify him through. In Jesus name. My prayer is for a friend that is so close to my heart. I pray that she may heal from all that has happened to her. May her pains, burdens and sufferings be relieved. May she also accept all the things that had happened to be able to move on and grow. May she learn to come to the Lord and surrender all her battles to Him. May she win her fight with the guidance of the Lord. I pray also that she may find the strength in the midst of whatever is happening around her. May she learn to love herself and find happines within herself without seeking happiness from other people. I pray that she may be whole again.Anonymous
Received: September 9, 2020
Received: September 9, 2020
Received: September 9, 2020
Received: September 9, 2020
Received: September 9, 2020
Received: September 9, 2020
Received: September 9, 2020
Received: September 9, 2020
Received: September 9, 2020
Received: September 9, 2020
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