You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Please intercede for me concerning my health, and plans that I committed to God to fully align with His word. Pray for my Justin to listen to the spirit of , God and not his emotions to make hasty plans and recommit his life diligently to God . Pray for son Paul to be strong and courageous during this time in his life and he will not make unwise decisions, and listen to the voice of God. Intercede for my daughter and her marriage, children to be united in the bonds of Love, understanding and trust. And older son to forgive his self and know that God is an forgiving God, and recommit his life. Praying for the US to be united in peace and compassion for our fellow man. This virus is demise into the abyss. Dear God,
Thank you for everything you have done for me and to never leave me during this pandemic. Some days more than often l find it hard to deal with and the constant setbacks what I have to have. Due to this virus and fed up of the setbacks it's like this is a hopeless dream what I try to do.
Please give clarity for driving instructors and learners as it seems like nothing is ever being said for them. Also to help me due to constant setbacks and really want to achieve my goals in life.
I trust that your divine plan will happen as to allow Daniel and I to reunite. Promise me to not to anything rash and not have bad thoughts. As I know you brought us together as to love each other for the rest of our lives. You have selected me to be with Daniel for life and know that the apartment will happen. For us to live together, everything will work out and last for many years until the rest of our lives together happily in love.
Allow Daniel to chose and love me. Surprise me with how he speaks to me as I miss speaking to him. Don't worry still have a life outside of the relationship. This time apart will only make us love each other more and pray that we put any bad mistakes that happened in the past. It will be a fresh start but our love will only be stronger everyday.
I pray that everyone who is struggling for whatever their situation is. For things to change around and work out in their favour. Help those who are ill, heal them, provide for those who aren't getting any income for them to get an income. Everything changes for the better and help everyone out during this hard time. Don't allow coronavirus take away the love, care and support for one another.
I trust your divine intervention and will come true soon. ♡
Thank you. Dear God,
I had done something earlier to help me feel better and know that Daniel only wants me. Even smiled at the apartments where we are going to live and going to do what helped me to feel better during this lock down.
There are some bad moments where I feel like giving up but you had brought Daniel and I together. As a couple as we are made to love each other and our love is divine. True, real and rare please help me when there are hard days.
Allow him to stop having lustful relationships with other females and having intimate life. He is allowed to have a life of his own like spend time with his friends, family, pursue his own hobbies and interests. Just make sure he DOESN'T do anything bad behind my back.
Tell him what true love is and it's what we have which is amazing. Please tell him to take care of it as he is the only man I truly love and want to spend the rest of our lives together happily in love.
It was hard to sleep as of thinking of bad thoughts and need you as you can work miracles. You do the night shift and I want to sleep on your word knowing that it's only me who Daniel loves in a romantic way.
I need your help, guidance, support and encouragement that everything is going to be better. Work my prayers as what goes up must come down. Take care of our love for life and tell Daniel I love him so much. Also can't wait to start our new life together in our apartment when everything is up and going.
Goodnight and God bless the world.
Thank you. Thank you God for letting me wake up to another day on the earth and no your her to look over me, I'm very blessed to have you love me so much, I'm worried about the move but I have faith that it will all work out and this will only get better once this is done, I'm afraid of things that I know I can't fix, but I will stay in faith so you know I do love you and care how this works out. Amen Pray my kids and I will be approve for this apartment. This is the place we can call home till they graduated. My husband is mentally ill and not with us in the house so I have to do the bills by myself and we have to move. So God please bless us with this apartment. This will bring a smile to their faces again. Please pray for my dad and his health. Please pray for my family to be healthy. Please give me the strength I need to be there for my family today. Help me to see the good things today. I need prayer for myself, iam dealing with Carpotunel and i want God to heal me of that because iam tired of hurting.Thanks for listening. Hear oh god my prayers. Look on favour at my pain. Hear and act. Don't delay for I bear your name. Manifest now, instantly. I ask in Jesus name. AmenAnonymous
Received: May 13, 2020
Received: May 12, 2020
Received: May 12, 2020
Received: May 12, 2020
Received: May 12, 2020
Received: May 12, 2020
Leila Ferguson
Received: May 12, 2020
Lisa Rollins
Received: May 12, 2020
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