You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Please pray. I receive some news that I may be selected for a job position. Please pray that I will be selected and they will be calling me for the job offer thank you lord amen. Dear God,
Please make everything better as I'm finding everyday hard to get through. I'm always grateful for everyday and the finer things in life. Just help me to stay motivated and strong throughout this hard time.
To let me know that there are beautiful horizons for me. To bounce back in my driving and to do very well. To maintain my hard work and get the chance to go on the main roads. To level up to the next level as don't want this to effect my driving.
Do all the revision that I can in order to help me pass my Maths and my teacher can pass me off.
Heal the world and take care of everyone during this difficult time. Give everyone hope and make sure that everyone follows the guidelines as it can only get better. Please help as is not fair on anyone but I believe we can pull through this. Then go get the best summer as to let everyone out.
I trust your divine intervention and will come true.
Thank you. I was like to get prophetic a word from good idk what to do if u can can you lmk Watch over my mother dear heavenly father make her stronger as she goes through her chemo give her strength and hope. Amen God bless over my household and the people in this world let no hurt harm or danger come upon them an any way. Guide us watch over our minds ,bodies, spirit and our soul. I give all thanks and honor to you . Please pray for Salvation for Richard, Bill, Stevie
Also for divine guidance in connection with a friendship leading towards a relationship.
Also For Peace & Favour in my work situation. Please God, if you can please help me through I, would be so grateful to you for help, do to the last of funds and bills will not stop, I pray every day it will get better, and yes I can wait just hope it will not n-be to late for me, Amen Dear God,
Please forgive me for I have sinned. I forgive those who sin against me. Please God continue to protect and heal those who are suffering from all illnesses. Please bless those who are less fortunate and who are suffering. Please God help me to repair my relationship, help me to forgive all wrong doing and misunderstandings. Help us to communicate and move forward. I believe and trust you will help me help us. Please God help me be a better person than I was yesterday and lead by example. Help me God not to give up and help me to keep fighting. Please continue to look after everyone including my love, friends, and family. Thank you God for listening to me. Amen!! God, I am praying to you to protect everyone who has the virus from getting any worse. I pray that you protect everyone in the world so no one else will get it.
Protect our government so they may make the right decision for all of us and give us hope and help us thru this. I pray that you protect all the nurses and doctors who are working so hard to keep us safe and helping everyone to is sick get over this quickly. Please God protect me and my family near and far.
Protect my Mom and Aunt Katie. Keep my family in FLA and NC safe and help them cope with this virus and please God protect my grandkids and my nieces and nephews. All of them are really special to me. I want to ask you to protect a servant of yours. My brother-in-law Pastor Bud and his wife Donna. Please protect all of us. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen Lord, let us get through this Coronvirus pandemic safely, protect and support those who are vulnerable; particularly the elderly, children and the unwell.
Protect the unborn children from the virus, so that they may come into this world, happy and healthy. Bless them and guide them to lead fulfilling lives.
Protect those who are in unhappy domestic situations Lord. Help them find a way to seek Your face and guidance. Protect them from any violence, keep them safe and help them go to find peace and fulfilment in their lives.
Help those who have lost their jobs to swiftly find a good job, that those who find themselves without a home are swiftly re-sheltered, and for the economy to bounce back stronger than ever.
We know that there is a spiritual element to the current world events, Lord, and we look to you to guide us through this difficult time.
We rebuke Satan's attempts to destroy our world, Lord, and we invite the Holy Spirit to fill us all with your loving presence.
Please guide the world's leaders to make wise decisions for all of us, Lord.
We ask for you healing hand on those who are currently unwell, for a quick recovery and a renewed sense of purpose so they can work for Your glory, Lord.
We ask for a complete stop to the Coronavirus, and that there are no repeats of a pandemic ever again.
We put our complete trust in You, Lord God, with gratitude for Your healing and guiding hand during such a difficult time, globally.
Received: March 24, 2020
Received: March 24, 2020
Jaslynn Dotson
Received: March 24, 2020
Received: March 24, 2020
Received: March 24, 2020
Received: March 24, 2020
Timothy Wolters
Received: March 24, 2020
Received: March 24, 2020
Received: March 24, 2020
Received: March 24, 2020
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