You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Please pray for me. I'm training for a new position at work. I need prayer to learn and retain everything I'm learning. In Jesus name I pray. Amen Praying for a miracle in my finances, praying God will meet my needs monthly and will not let us lose our home. Hear oh god my prayers. Look in favour at my pain. Hear and act don't delay for I bear your name. In Jesus name I ask and pray. Amen Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me and I'm grateful for your blessings.
Please help me be my own person as to have an independent life and then when everything is more stable. As me having my independence, Allow Daniel to speak to me when he is genuinely ready and work things out. Speak though all issues as some have concerned me and of course can only sort it out with him.
Yes I do miss Daniel but not desperate as not in a hurry for love and do tell him I love and miss him loads through this prayer.
Also allow a breakthrough with my driving due to the constant setbacks and want to pass this year. Please let me have my driving test BEFORE my theory test expires and live a fruitful life this year.
To allow all students who were going to do their driving test BEFORE coronavirus pandemic happened. I pray that all students who weren't key workers and had to wait a very long time during this unprecedented time to pass. As understand their struggle and want them to do well in driving. Even though it's a few weeks before it opens up please allow all students in this situation to not give up hope and keep revising. As their time will come and I want them to do well.
I will keep praying as know you do hear my prayers and work in mysterious ways.
I trust your divine intervention and will come true very soon.
Thank you. I pray they don't take him away from us . Lord put all these lying people in jail all the ones who signed knowing that it was false keep us safe keep us covered by your precious blood cover my children send your angels to watch over them let no wrong be swept under the rug I love you Lord I love you please pray this prayer for us it say where there is two or three in agreement it's in gods midst thank you for praying for my family . Please pray wih me that a the Corona virus nightmare will be ended soon, and at least before the children go back to school in the fall.
Thank you for praying for my disabled adult son after he survived the virus and a 3rd heart attack. Please continue to pray as his lungs keep filling with water.
I am asking my Lord and Savior to provide my doctor with the skills needed to save my vision so that I can continue to care for my son, read my Bible, and read these inspirational messages. Thank you so much for your prayers and for the inspirational messages
There’s a guy I’ve been talking to for about a couple of months & he lives 60 miles away from me. I really like him a lot & when I met him 3 weeks ago, I loved seeing him. We used to text each other every single night. Now, he spaces for days in between. I miss hearing from him every night.
Last week, we got into a disagreement & he didn’t text me for 5 days. We got into a disagreement because he wants to have a baby very bad, but I told him I want to wait to have a relationship & marriage with him first. Now, I haven’t heard from him in 4 days. I’m afraid I ran him off & didn’t mean to.
I’ve had no luck at all finding a guy in my town & I really like this one, but this really hurts. Please pray for him to text me back on the 3 texts I sent him & that we’ll work things out. Also, please pray that he’ll agree with me on waiting on a child & that we’ll have a relationship & marriage first. Pray that I’ll help him to change into a better man & to fall in love with God too. I really like him & want him back. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. I really need prayers for my business to grow. I’m very broke & have no luck at all finding a job in my town. I have a vision that I want to create for health, nutrition, & fitness. I’m a coach but have only had one coach sign up under me. Pray for me to be a great mentor for her & for her to bond with me. Also, please pray that I’ll get more coaches & clients to sign up under me to make more commissions for my income. This is my only income source & I want to have money to expand my business & have high quality content for health. God, I'm so sorry it has taken me to send you my Thank you For today. I have a PC and one room is almost done, and then all these will fall into place, Please give me straight to mow my yard and my sisters tomorrow and back to work on unpacking more stuff, I love you and can't thank you enough, Please pray I sleep better once I shower and for and get back into my BED :), I Love you, AmenAnonymous
Received: June 26, 2020
Received: June 26, 2020
Lisa Rollins
Received: June 26, 2020
Received: June 26, 2020
Received: June 26, 2020
Received: June 26, 2020
Received: June 26, 2020
Received: June 26, 2020
Received: June 26, 2020
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