You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Please pray that my great aunt Francesca recover. She has coronavirus and pneumonia and is very sick in the hospital. The hospital staff stated she does not look good and might not make it through the night. Dear God,
Thank you for all good you have done for me. I hope that when the time is right that lock down restrictions are lifted. As finding it hard to concentrate, sleep and trying my best to be a better person.
Give all the love and respect to those who have been effected during this crisis. All key workers to be treated with respect and to be safe, as of the risks they are doing to help others.
Allow my driving to work out, improve and last. To maintain knowledge in my head and the muscle memory too. This does help and hope that it's all maintained, as really miss driving and been nearly 3 weeks. Of course this is only done for public safety, hope that one day "This improves and some lock down restrictions are lifted." Keep having dreams that everybody is normal again and wake up thinking, not yet. Please make this dream come true with restrictions and social distancing working. Also to pass my driving test BEFORE my theory test expires.
Get this is a lot for you but means so much to me and some days feel overwhelmed.
Also to make mine and Daniel's relationship as lovers stronger. To show that everything will last, we will make it through every obstacle together and be stronger.
I need you and trust your divine intervention and will come true sooner than I think.
Thank you. Dear God,
Please put an expiry date on coronavirus and lock down restrictions. Fed up of always having to clean up everyone else's mess in the house and to be used as a cleaner. Do so much around the house, yet don't even get left alone to eat or drink. I got accused of having 3 drinks in 1 hour. Get told to get up when I'm eating and drinking, yet nobody helps or gives me any respect. Fed up of being used to do the housework and always get treated differently as I have autism. Fed up of being stuck in the house and not getting left alone to even take care of myself to eat and drink.
Please end this virus and when things get better; lift the lock down restrictions up. As I can't take it anymore and fed up of constantly cleaning all my life.
I need you please help me and trust you God that this awful nightmare will be over. As soon as possible and carry on healing many people around the world. To ensure that everyone does their part and stays at home. Then able to get let out and get my life back.
Thank you. Pray that you cover me my family my 6 daughter cover us with the blood lead me your direction change my financial situation pour your blessings down on me God take away all these demonic spirits in the name of Jesus Please, God, forgive me for yesterday, it was a bad day overall could not keep my mind on anything by 3 pm My day was spent, I'm so sorry God please find in your heart to forgive me, again, and I will do better I promise Heal my body from sickness, forgive me of all my sins help me grow closer to you god give me wisdom and knowledge In your word so I will be able to spread your word one day for others to understand please cover my family hell keep them rooted and grounded in your word and teach them how to pray more Dear God,
Please forgive me for I have sinned. I forgive those who sin against me. Thank you God for waking me up today. Thank you God for all my blessings each and every day. Without you beside me I would have nothing. I am truly grateful. Please God bless those who are less fortunate and who are suffering. Please God protect, heal, and comfort those who suffer major illnesses and who have lost loved ones. Please God heal our world. Please God let us love, forgive and get along with one another the way you would have wanted us to live. Please God let the violence and the hatred cease. Please God help me to repair my relationship with my boyfriend. Let us forgive what was said and let our love for one another continue. I will not give up God. I trust you and your timing. I will co tinue to patience. Please God hear my prayers. Amen! Anonymous
Received: April 11, 2020
Received: April 10, 2020
Received: April 10, 2020
Received: April 10, 2020
Timothy Wolters
Received: April 10, 2020
Dorene Johnson
Received: April 10, 2020
Received: April 10, 2020
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