You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Asking for prayer for just not my self and family but the whole world. Asking for God to heal and keep everyone safe and I pray no harm or virus or disease comes my way kids way or family way. I pray God send me a blessing to pay off my debt and be able to buy a home of my own and keep me and my kids safe and healthy at all times pray a find a better paying job and. Career and be able to save and be able to pay all my bills. Praying for protection and be fear free. Always for give me for my sins. Prayer for my mom brothers and nephews and my children Dear God,
Please God forgive me for I have sinned. I forgive those who sin against. Thank you God for all my blessings each and everyday. Thank you God for all that I have. Without I would have nothing. Thank you God for loving me, for protecting me and for never giving up on me especially when I wanted to give up on myself. Please God bless those who are less fortunate and who are suffering. Please God protect, heal and comfort those who have been affected by major illnesses and natural disasters. Please God comfort those who have lost loved ones. Please God help us to forgive one another. Help us God to love and respect one another the way you would have wanted us to. Please God help us to cease all the violence. Help us God to calm our worries and anxiety. Please God help me to repair my relationship with my boyfriend. Help us God to communicate and to forgive one another for past things said. I miss him and love him every day. Please continue God to protect all my loved ones, extended loved ones, family and friends. All things are possible with you by my side, by our side. Please God hear my prayers. Thank you again for all that you do! Amen! Hear oh god my prayers. Look in favour at my pain. Hear and act. Don't delay for I bear your name. In Jesus name. Amen Prayer for me and husband for a place to live and a vehicle also my daughter needs prayer to fight the demons of drugs and deceitfulness Dear God,
I've been revising for my driving and trying to do so much in the house. It's busy yet do my best to maintain my knowledge for my driving and want the setbacks to be broken. Really want to do well in my driving life and want to pass without anyone holding me back. Please help me move forward as really want to do well in my life and pass first time. BEFORE my theory test expires and elevate onto a higher level in my life.
When lock down restrictions are lifted, allow Daniel and I to repaint put apartment. Decorate the place together, get the other people to completely move out and then we can live together as a couple. This is helping me through this hard time and can feel life finally getting better for me.
Also I would like to spend the rest of my life with Daniel in love and to last for good. Nobody or nothing can ever tear us apart but only to make us stronger as a couple together. To always be together, last and get through every obstacle together. We stay together in love and really believe that we are made to love each other in a romantic way.
I trust your divine intervention and will come true sooner than I think.
Thank you.
Dear God,
Today the prime minister is going to review the lock down restrictions and to see whether they should be lifted or not. There was something to do with scientists, Allow everyone to do their part and hopefully this won't last too long. As it's hard but doing my best by taking it day by day.
Also found out that Wuhan in China has lifted their lock down restrictions. This had been done after 77 days and the coronavirus had started here. Surely this is a sign that things are getting better and that China must of found a treatment, vaccines and cure which should be spread around the world. To heal around the world and for you to do your magic. Make as many people better as possible and send love out to those who have been effected during this hard time.
Allow there to be a good sign that everything is going to get better. For everyone to beat coronavirus which makes love stronger around the world.
I need you and trust your divine intervention and will come true sooner than I think.
Thank you. Dear God,
The enemy keeps talking about my past and being in lock down isn't helping. Please allow me to be the better person and not to go back to the past. Of course I'm aware that what I done wasn't acceptable, said I'm sorry and changed my behaviour.
He isn't very nice to me and have to live with him. He always brings my past up, never wants me to do well and makes my life hell. Please help me be the better person and find peace of mind. Once the lock down restrictions are lifted, to move out as soon as possible. Since I can't take it anymore and need you to do your magic and help me.
I trust your divine intervention and will come true sooner than I think.
Thank you. Thank you Jesus I pray miracle blessings in my finances marriage and home please in Jesus name amen I signed up for a new fitness coach membership recently. It's hard to find the internet & time though to make the quality good as well as finding time to fit in the schedule. I really need that & the best exercise performances to help make my content good for my team members. This is a stay at home job & I really need the income. I see all of these people doing a great job at building their own business & I really want & need that opportunity. So please pray that I'll have the best performances, factors, & time for this. Thank you.Anonymous
Received: April 9, 2020
Received: April 9, 2020
Lisa Rollins
Received: April 9, 2020
Received: April 9, 2020
Received: April 9, 2020
Received: April 9, 2020
Received: April 9, 2020
Received: April 9, 2020
Received: April 9, 2020
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