You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Please bless me to get my rent paid get my job back at Walmart fix things with LC protect my kids and mother bless us with a car a chance to do better please forgive me and help us I’m sorry I messed up Heavenly father, I stand on mathew 7.7, ask and it shall be given unto you, I humbly ask for prayers for the reatoration of my relationship with the long term love of my life, I would wish to get married a start a family with him. I also seek prayers for a financial breakthrough, and a job, I have been seeking one for so long without sucess. But I know that our God does not sleep, and is a God of great wonders,therefore I continue to have faith in him. Dear Lord, I come to ask for strength, clarity in you will, Peace of heart and mind during this difficult time for everyone. I thank you for my staff and their willingness to ensure we get food out to those in need.
I still need prayer and guidance on my broken marriage. I know I would like healing in it but it is the Lord's will. He can heal it or help me move on as painful as that is.
Amen Please heavenly Father I pray for financial blessings. Deliverance for my daughter as she lost her job and needs to stop drinking My son needs healing in his shoulder so he can continue to work and my granddaughter needs to be saved I pray for our country and our President in this time of trial All these I ask in Jesus name Amen I need prayers for a financial break tbrough and healing of my body Dear God,
Please allow me to move out of the house as soon as possible. I'm willing to live with Daniel and hope that he moves into the apartment as soon as possible. Allow the coronavirus to die down and then I know to a way out.
It's too toxic to be in this house and want to live. Coronavirus doesn't help this at all and I need your help.
Please help me.
Thank you. Dear God,
I've been finding it hard to sleep as of being in a busy and this coronavirus isn't helping. As to be stuck in the house and having to make the house extra clean. It's too much for me and really do need to move out. There is no space for me to have time out and just want some time for me to feel like myself. To be at home and can have this with living with Daniel.
I prayer that Daniel is living in the apartment very soon either this month. Or next month and willing to take care of our new life together. In love as partners, to cherish every moment and to have a peace of mind.
That's hard here in this house and I'm begging you to let me move out as soon as possible. It's too much and can't take being in the house where I can't even relax. No space it's physically, mentally, emotionally and socially suffocating. I prayer that to never get coronavirus and that you have me protected so I'm able to go out.
Allow me to focus and persevere in college as of this virus. As I'm finding it hard and difficult due to having no friends. It's beyond upsetting as try my best to make the most of the time making a future for myself.
Please help me and need a financial breakthrough as got no money at all.
I need another box in order to help me pack my things up. It's hard to do anything in the house and want to live in a happy home with the man I love.
Allow me to get to work independently and safely on Friday. To achieve more goals as want some downtime from everyone and just be myself.
To pass my Maths test on Thursday been doing plenty of revising. Allow this to pay off and to happen for me very soon as possible.
I need your help and support throughout this outbreak as it's genuinely hard for me. Please help me I need light at the end of the tunnel.
I trust your divine intervention and will come true.
Thank you. My husband and I are praying for the gift of parenthood. Please pray for us to achieve pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby. I really need prayers right now. I feel very depressed & sad. I’m at a daycare & really want to stay in it. I’ve got to take competency exams & I’ve always failed tests & never kept a steady job. Please pray for me to keep this job until I can retire & that I won’t let the kids run over me. They’ve been running over me not even trying to listen making it harder.
We haven’t even closed down & the coronavirus is spreading. I’m afraid for my health & family’s health. The kids have been sick & I’ve relapsed.
Please pray that my health will get much better & my bones. I’ve got scoliosis & have had very bad health for 3 months. Also, please pray for me to find love. I’m very lonely & have never experienced true love & i haven’t found anyone in my small town who is my type. It’s very discouraging at almost 30 years old. I’ve cried a lot these last few weeks. I’m discouraged & scared. Anonymous
Received: March 18, 2020
Received: March 18, 2020
Received: March 18, 2020
Received: March 18, 2020
Received: March 18, 2020
Received: March 18, 2020
Received: March 18, 2020
Received: March 18, 2020
Received: March 18, 2020
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