You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Praying for 100,000.00 to manifest now. I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen Dear father I’m coming to you for peace I’m my life and I’m my home as well at home. I’m asking prayer for guidance and patience. I pray that a blessing comes to my household as well as for myself. I pray I can get all my debt paid off so I can get pre approved for a home for me and my kids and I can be home owner. I pray a better position comes available at work or a new career journey I pray that I start school and finish and get a degree. I pray for health and healing for me and my children and protection for me my kids mom and brother’s I pray my two oldest kids find decent paying jobs and success. I pray that Larrine passes her CDL test. God please keep working in my favor and keep my whole household covered in your blood. I pray you send me a husband that you choose for me as I will continue to wait until you do so. Heavenly Father I truly need my own house and to be debt free and a better career in Jesus name amen Dear Lord, please give me strength to be able to answer the interview questions on Friday, correctly and wisely. Help me to focus my mind. Join me and let's pass the interview together. Amen! I pray for Jim Giddings that he will find his way to the Lord, talk to him daily , see the powers and blessings in his life. I also pray that he will find a full time job and not be frustrated but a job to give him faith hope and a vision for his future and which he is respected. I pray that our relationship in each other will grow and be blessed by the Lord. I also ask for relief from all the financial burdens that I have that have put a strain on our relationship and family for I spent out of selfishness. Please pray for my mother Margaret. Been diagnosed with non Hodgkin's lymphoma cancer and prognosis doesn't look good. Only God can help her and if His will prolong her life. Praying for travel mercies as my daughter and i travel to New York.
Praying for a job as a scrum master.
A favorable respond from the First lady of Angola. I am giving thanks for God's provision and seeing me through the tough times.
I am also praying for marital break through, would love to be found by a God fearing man.
I am need God's guidance on my applications for grad school. Praying he provides the funding for school. I need deliverance from cigarettes my sons also.They drinking heavier and I am afraid of alcoholism for my oldest who has problems with female women that uses him and breaks his heart an my youngest temper is out of control he has a bad understanding of being responsible about paying his Bill's also gets angry when I correct him about responsibles.I am miserable with myself I have no peace joy always broke from paying all these credit cards because I accept them to repay me but they havent.i loss my joy in the.lord and I'm depressed so badly about it.I cant confine in noone.but i still seek jesus to help me deliver me and my sons I am in real need of a full-time job. It has been 8 years. My family is struggling. Please pray for a breakthrough for us.Lisa Rollins
Received: February 26, 2020
Datisia Mccoy
Received: February 26, 2020
Received: February 26, 2020
Received: February 26, 2020
Received: February 26, 2020
Received: February 26, 2020
Received: February 26, 2020
Received: February 25, 2020
Received: February 25, 2020
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