You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Breakthrough for my husband and I
Financial prosperity
Doors of opportunity abroad be opened this year
Twins baby boys for us Dear God, please bless me to get pregnant again Lord I had my tubes removed and I regret it. Please bless me the bare a child again and give me one more chanc in Jesus name amen
Pray for my daughters to get rid of phone addiction, that hinder their progress.Bless them abundantly to be filled with your presence. Lead them through the right path.Protect them from all evil.Bless them in their studies.Take away all the worldly influence that hinder their progress.Pray for all children to be successful, obedient. Make them a blessing to the family ,society & to you.You be their true friend.You be their light.Bless them abundantly. Dear God,
Thank you for all the good you have done for me, and I'm grateful for your blessings in everyday life.
I pray that my beloved fiancé - Daniel has a lovely week ahead of him. To take away the pain he goes through and remind him I'm always here for him. To love him through every stage of life and praying, we will have a great future together for the rest of our lives happily in love and married.
Wishing you a happy new week. May Almighty lead you to the path of prosperity and happiness. Believe in Him, and leave your worries to Him. Have a blessed week!
Have a lovely week ahead of you, Daniel.
Thank you. I love you so much forever and always, Daniel. Prayer To Cherish Days Together.
Dear God,
You Word tells me to enjoy life with the man whom I love. We know that the days of our lives are fleeting. So, during this bedtime prayer, we pray that You help my now fiancé - Daniel (My first, future and forever husband) and I cherish our lives together, because this is our reward in life and in our work in which we have labored under the sun. We pray that we do not take each other for granted. Keep ever-present in our minds how truly blessed we are to have found treasures in one another. Bless us tonight,
Dear God,
Thank you for everything that you are doing, in order to help my now fiancé - Daniel (My future and forever husband) and I to be together. We appreciate everything you are doing and making sure that we have a beautiful marriage until the very end. Knowing that we are serving you, how our love will be strong enough to conquer anything. As your the foundation to build our beautiful love story. I received a bad news today and I’m asking for God to protect me all the way until everything was clear I don’t know why I got into this but if everything will go to south . I am very thankful for what I have achieved this far. I love my family . I carry my name without any problems . I know God knows my problem that I’m facing right now . Please help him and help me as well. That’s the last thing or worst I may think that will happen to me. I want to cry and beg for mercy You know God that I am a good person and I have never done a worst sin . Please God you were the only one that I can lean on now . I am begging you to turn tables right away and fix everything the mess that was created unexpectedly .
I really need your miracle right now. You know God how I value myself and you God. God’s telling me that he is guiding me and everything will be alright. I suffered a lot to go into this. I love you God . I need your miracle and action . Please God I need your miracle right away. Thank You so much And I love you God Dear God, please bless me to get pregnant again Lord I had my tubes removed and I regret it. Please bless me the bare a child again and give me one more chanc in Jesus name amen
Pray for me for healing in
My body an God peace in Jesus name.Anonymous
Received: October 21, 2024
Alexis Jones
Received: October 21, 2024
Received: October 21, 2024
Daniel's Greatest Love Of His Life
Received: October 21, 2024
Daniel's Greatest Love Of His Life
Received: October 21, 2024
Daniel's Greatest Love Of His Life
Received: October 21, 2024
Daniel's Greatest Love Of His Life
Received: October 21, 2024
Received: October 21, 2024
Alexis Jones
Received: October 21, 2024
Shirley Ludd
Received: October 21, 2024
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