You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Thank you for giving me and my family a strong faith. Thank you for taking care of us. We are in the midst of trial right now. But we strongly believe that you are we us. That with you Lord God we will be fine.I also pray for our lovely earth (all people here on earth). That whatever we are facing today. You will always be here for all of us. With you nothing is impossible, with you no more worries and no more pain. Thank you God. I love you. Dear God,
I am grateful for all the blessings you have done for me and my loved ones and you have brought me this far even though there were many obstacles along the way, so there’s no reason for me to quit now. You’ve given me hope, you’ve given me strength and you’ve given me guidance but I’m really struggling God and I know you’ve given me these battles in my life to make me strong but I don’t want to be on this rollercoaster ride/battlefield anymore, it’s making me too sick now (I feel like I’m holding onto a tight rope but I’m so close to letting go and falling). I just want peace. I need peace. I’m hopeful always but I feel like I’m always going to be living in this nightmare because the devil doesn’t want to see me win. I REBUKE THE DEVIL AND HIS GAMES. The devil can never win because I’m YOUR child and I have the good qualities you instilled in me. I have been battling with my mental health and abuse from my father for many years and I have trusted in you always that you would make a way if I reached out for help and I’ve been getting the help (therapy, self help, self love, praying more, remaining calm etc) but it’s tearing me apart that my dads bullying, torment, narcissism and his unconscious self awareness is breaking me, my mum and my brother apart. He lies, he cheats, he’s so confident, so egotistical, thinks he’s so ‘perfect’. I can’t take this any longer, I need to break away from him for GOOD so that me, my mum and my brother can be safe and we can restart our lives with peace and continue the work you need us to do on this earth. I just pray that you help me break this generational curse and you help me and my family positively move out, move away and move on (without any stress) from my dad’s presence/house so we no longer have to take this abuse any more. He’s battling demons that I can no longer fight for him for because he refuses to know who you are God. I can’t keep fighting for those who refuse to not know you and be blasphemous in your name. I pray that every person starts to open their eyes and SEE who my dad really is and let them not be afraid to confront him for his lies and his big ego/pride. I pray that you reveal yourself to my dad and let him SEE YOU so that his ego can burst and he remembers not to mess with you and your children God, please.
I pray for anybody else who is going through a similar situation as I am, but not only that God, I pray for all your children who need your help, whether it’s a sickness, abuse, financial help, general worries etc please save us all God. With you God, all things are possible. My sister and her family have been struggling for over a year. She works so much overtime to try to make and meet.. I help her financial when I can. Please continue to pray for them. Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for our daily blessings of health, love and gift of being a family. Thank you for the ability to appreciate the good and the bad in situations and people. Please help guide us in your word and actions as we continue to raise our family and each other in our faith. We have struggled for a very long time financially, socially and medically. We have given our fears and trust up to you. We recognize the errors of our situation and have tried to correct and some things have been beyond our control with trusted family and friends doing truly horrible things with immediate consequences to relationship, finances and shaking trust to the very core. Please help guide my husband and me to a place of regaining trust in self and others, financial stability, ability to support our immediate and long term goals while growing in our faith. We seek to take care of basic necessities while also taking care of past expenses, current bills and to eventually move onto our dreams. We have had much hardship and loss and while grateful for the lessons they have taught us we are anxious and worried. We try to be good stewards of your word and service and can do even better. Thank you for hearing my heart’s concern and prayers and being a gracious and merciful Father. In your name we pray and thank you for the opportunity to hear our heart. Amen. Today I am very thankful for everything God has given me I'm thinking for my three children I'm thankful for our place to stay I'm thankful that I've been able to manage my finances without a job however I pray then I find one really soon I've been on multiple interviews and I just pray that I get a call back real soon last week I had three interviews one at Loyola University in Maywood which is great I would love to work there I also had an interview at Davis Chiropractic office in Oak Park very convenient close to my house great pay I could actually work there I also had an interview at West sup in Austin area and Monday I have an interview at Saint Anthony North Lawndale in the city of Chicago I just pray that I get a call back in the name of Jesus I've been out of work for the past 90 days and even though I've been able to manage their some things that happened unmanageable I've only been doing what needed to keep us afloat however my daughter needs new shoes my kids need new clothes they're still growing my car needs repairs I haven't been able to drive it I've been catching public transportation and even though I don't want to sound ungrateful these things also need attention and the only way that I could send to those things that I find the appropriate work so that my pay can help me get out of the hole that I'm in so I just want you guys to help me pray that I get a job soon a career that I get a call back that says yes Tracy congratulations you've been hired so that I can rejoice and this load can be lifted off of me in the name of Jesus I pray amen My family recently found out that my only brother has Lukemia. Due to this he had to have emergency quadruple bypass surgery. I have a hard time going to see him because my ankles and right knee swells if i put weight on it. I call him but even though not much change i want to héar his voice. I have been so overwhelmed and trying to stay positive and encouraged everything feels like it's crashing down around me I can't breathe. Im carry a load so heavy concerning my children and grandchildren. My youngest son is in a most dire situation but all three needs to see the hand of God move in their lives and feel His presence. I don't want to be in this place i feel so alone with nowhere to turn and I can't hear or feel God please pray for a miracle we desperately need God to show up for us. Thank you ! In Jesus name. Amen In November I had a stroke and it seems since then things have been rough, mentally, physically and Financially. I’m feeling better but have my ups and downs mentally. I feel very sad and alone most of the time. I’m struggling with finances and it seems to be getting harder to make it. I. Need prayers for mental and financial help Hello, I just want to pray for my daughter and I health. She is 8 years old with Type 1 diabetes. I just pray God heals her. I pray for my strength and my migraines. Pray for God to keep us wrapped in his word and blood. In the name of Jesus! Thank you Please pray for my friend who has had to quit her job and sue her former employer for bullying in the workplace. She is a single mother of two and is the strongest person I know. May the Holy Spirit guide and uplift her doing this difficult time. Mary
Received: February 2, 2020
Received: February 2, 2020
Received: February 1, 2020
Received: February 1, 2020
Traci Campbell
Received: February 1, 2020
Sharon Burch
Received: February 1, 2020
Received: February 1, 2020
Tasha Beall
Received: February 1, 2020
Received: February 1, 2020
Received: February 1, 2020
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