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1 day left to find out my GCSE English exam results and hope it's going to be a solid Grade pass. Allow me to get a 4 and to elevate onto a higher level of my life. My soul is really empty and need some good news to lift me up. Done so much hard work in my exams and even walked away from negative people. As to reduce my stress levels and focus on revising for these exams, which are worth it.
My mind had been thinking positively and heard another student who had also done a resit. To speak into existence about passing GCSE English exams. It's brought my mind to peace that the outcome will be great and worth all the pen ink. I've done so much revision for both Papers and had the resources and put it all into action. Writing had been one of my strengths and learned from my mistakes. Allow this all to pay off and succeed in my life. College has believed in me everyday and treated me with respect like any other student to pass. Now allow my plant seed to blossom into a beautiful flower.
Please give me good news and it's mine and Daniel's 1 year 10 month anniversary too. I miss him so much and doing my best to avoid feeling sorry for myself. In time everything should fall together and to get through this pain.
Please allow me and every student who had done a resit for either GCSE English, Maths or both. To pass with flying colours and to receive good news that they have passed their exams. I want to hear "Congratulations you have passed your exams and don't need to attend (English/Maths) anymore and you have a free period. I will let you know when you can collect your certificate." Mark 11:24 I believe this will happen and trust you God that everything is going to be okay. The results are revealed on Thursday and I want to say thank you for giving me another chance to do my English exams. As I was 3 marks off from passing in Summer 2019 and spent the time wisley to revise. To learn how to get a solid Grade 4 and all the teachers had spoken in existence. They believe in me and hope that this hard work pays off. Allow me to pass my GCSE English exams with flying colours and then I'm able to focus on my Maths. There had been people who been negative so I chose to keep my distance. To do something worth my while and made time for a better future.
I trust your divine intervention and will come true.
Thank you. Dear God,
I’m here right now calling out to you ask you pray for me right now that I can get through life with you guiding me anywhere I go want you to touch me not just me but my family and my fiancé that we can make it together as a team help each other no fighting yes I know we’re going to have little fights sometimes but not where it really bad ones. God like to ask you put your hands on my grandmother as she is the hospital not feeling good I know your watching over her right lord and you know what your doing I can’t say she’s going to get better she fine no only the true thing about is that your a good god you know what is best and I know you always do the right thing keep on being with me lord when I move out on my own next week. Yes it’s going to be hard but I will be ok I will keep on believing in you god to keep me safe and going in the right direction so that I thank you so much lord in your name I do pray Amen. Pray for me n my husband he lost his job ! We have three small children Dear God I pray that Anthony will deposit the rent that he is owing my mother for the past couple of months lord . It ain't fair what he is doing to my mother lord . Please may he deposit the money in full as my mother needs the money to fix stuff within out household and pay for bills .she is under a lot of stress and I do not like to see her like this Lord . Please help my mother get this rent money . Provide Anthony with the funds to pay all the months he hasn't paid rent Lord. I ask for miracle right now in Jesus name. I have full faith that u will answer my prayers Lord . Amen Dear God ,I pray that today will be a hood day . I pray that I may let nothing get to me or allow anyone to ruin this day . I pray I may receive orders for perfume as well as a buyer for my textbooks. I pray that lizwi and I will talk more and get back together as I really love him. Lord you know my heart and how I deeply feel about him . Please help mend my relationship with lizwi and bring us back together as one. I have full faith that u will help me . Amen Financial stability a good job & new home & closer relationship with god. My boyfriend who I was with for 17 years cheated on me several times, embarrassed me, manipulated me and made feel stupid. He we went to jail and lied to have me write a letter so he could get out of jail. Got out and then went to be with someone else. Made people think I was thi crazy stalker and he wasnt talking to me and I was just making everything up. I just want healing. I want complete healing. I want to be able to grieve properly and wang my heart to heal from being hurt, lied to and manipulated. I want to be able to walk past and not feel embarrassed
I just started a fitness program. Today I missed my class because of muscle cramps. My husband says I might have started too soon. I am deeply saddened in my heart. I CANNOT GIVE UP! I know I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me! I NEED GOD to send HIS to flow throughout my body to show my husband and everyone I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus In the Miraculous Matchless Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.Amen Dear God , I pray that I may receive more orders for perfume . I pray that my business will do well so that I can help pay for bills around the house and be able to support myself Lord. I pray that people will contact me soon to order large amounts of perfume. I pray that receive funding so that I can buy stock to make business run faster. I pray that u will heal my relationship with lizwi Lord and that we will get back together and be able to spend time with each other. I pray that someone will buy my textbooks and I pray that I may find another job so that I can save up and go back next year and o my honours . AmenAnonymous
Received: January 15, 2020
Daniel Wakefield
Received: January 15, 2020
Received: January 15, 2020
Received: January 15, 2020
Received: January 15, 2020
Received: January 14, 2020
Received: January 14, 2020
Received: January 14, 2020
Received: January 14, 2020
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