You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Dear God,
Thank you for a good night out with my friends and work colleagues. It been great and had been safe throughout. To see the glimpse of my dreams coming true has made me happy and to show I won't give up. To know that one day soon enough I'm able to go out to eat with Daniel as my boyfriend forever and always. As well to see my friends and spend time with them too as I do want to live it up.
Thank you for finding a way and please allow things to work in my favour. To stop the voices in my head going around as it's not me and I want to be okay. To have it all and hope my driving lesson happens tomorrow as want to be independent.
Thank you and I trusted you, with your divine intervention. I would like to first thank God for having a beautiful Thanksgiving Day on yesterday me and my three children as we enjoyed ourselves with our extended family I'm thankful that my unemployment was approved I'm thankful for the process of finding a new job I'm thankful for being able to wake up and take care of my children even without the proper finances I'm still grateful because I now I know what it will possibly feel like to have nothing so I'm grateful for the things that I do have after working for 13 years and being able to provide for myself and I haven't asked anyone maybe I've taken just the simple things in life a little bit too leniently so right now I'm grateful I just pray that I find work really soon provide for myself and my children because the limited income with just unemployment isn't really enough however I'm thankful that at least I can keep my rent paid I pray for some decisions that I need to make real soon that I go down the right path because I'm taking myself and my three children with me so that I could pray for the best Please God heal my family and me. We have been through so much and it is seems that we are just sinking further and further daily. God you know our circumstances and there are many so please carry us through and continue to support us and guide us to your light when we’re in these dark times. I’m really struggling with all this darkness and tribulations and I know there will be triumphs with your guidance and love. Please surround us with your love and mercy and please release us from this darkness into your light. We’ve been through way too much and it’s seems hopeless but I’m hanging on to my faith that you will redeem us and you will shine your light on us and remove us from all this. Please take the worries away and please heal us in Jesus name I pray Amen GOD'S HOLY ONES who are not covered, need prayers
Pray mightily that God will do literally everything for His holy ones FOR ATEN YEAR PERIOD AND BEYONF,as they carry out his holy will.
Pray that God will give them more than enough covering and backings so that the wicked cannot mess with them in any way.
I pray that I may get money to do my licence .
I pray that I may find a job. Dear God,
Please let me have date nights and days with the man I truly love Daniel. Let us be fully committed to each other everyday and we want each other. To rekindle our love and protect each other through good and bad, for better and for worse and for richer and for poorer. Let us invest in each other and want each other through all circumstances.
Answer my prayer and make this come true as I trust your divine intervention.
Thank you. Dear God,
Let me spend many, many, many, many years with Daniel happily in love as he is the guy who I want to spend the rest of my life with. Let us be happy like we used to but in more stable circumstances and to have many happy memories together. Let me have a successful relationship, long term, stable ,happy and healthy with the man I truly love. Please don’t hold me back I know he is the one and allow him to feel the way I feel.
Please come true and I trust your divine intervention for our love to get us to fall back together in love.
Thank you. Dear God,
Please make my mind stronger as I do love Daniel and fully accept him. Stop these voices in my head and let us be together, fully in love together like we used to be and to have it all together. Really do want him and us as he is the man I been in love with.
Thank you I trust your divine intervention and will come true. I pray that lizwi and I will get back together. Pray that we will sort out our differences and love each more. I pray that he will give me another chance and pray that we will no longer fight . I pray that he will find it in his heart to forgive me for fighting with him for the things he did and take me back . I really love and don't want to lose him . Dear God,
I miss being happy like I used to when everything been waiting for me. To have it all with the man I loved and get that things were too hard for me. It been perfect and I wanted to keep the man who has my heart. For the rest of my life, the only person who showed me true, divine love and seen so many years with him.
Please let me have this back for the rest of my life with him.
Thank you very much. Anonymous
Received: November 29, 2019
Received: November 29, 2019
Received: November 29, 2019
Received: November 29, 2019
Received: November 29, 2019
Received: November 29, 2019
Received: November 29, 2019
Received: November 29, 2019
Received: November 29, 2019
Received: November 29, 2019
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