You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! I pray that I may receive a financial miracle this week. I got so many things to pay for and I do not have the money to do it. I pray that my business will increase in sales this week so can make a salary 4 myself and be able to pay for my bills and the stuff I need. I'm tired of stressing about how I'm going to get the money . Pray for patience and strength to continue each day. Please pray for me ...I really need a financial breakthrough. Pray that people will help me and make a huge purchase from my business so that I can get out of this depression stage and stop worrying about money. Pray that I may receive money for stock for December.
I pray that someone will buy my textbooks Dear God ,
I come to you right now to thank you for everything that you have gone for me. Please forgive me for my sins.
I pray that my business will increase in sales. Pray that I may make R1000 profit this week as I'm in desperate need of this money . Dear God,
It's winter here for me and I'm finding it hard to stay motivated to revise for my GCSE Maths. Along with that to do any writing, I understand this when being at home as to do the housework and have a rest. Just at college, always seem to be fidgety and irritated. It really isn't me and I don't like it as want to be motivated. My hard work and revision will pay off as to pass my GCSE Maths exam in the summer. This does matter to me and I need your help to gain my strength and motivation. Not to give up and to carry on being better as I want to be the best for you.
I trust your divine intervention and will come true.
Thank you. Pray God gives me a wife in this time. Pray she is the one the soul mate I am meant for. Pray God gives me revelation of who she is and bring this marriage together for me in this season and time. Pray it happens in next 6 months or sooner. It is my heart desire and prayer. Dear God,
Daniel had messaged me off his friend's phone and I want to say thank you for letting him come to me. I trusted your timing and to carry on trusting your divine intervention that we fall back together in love.
Anything is possible with you and I love you as much.
Thank you. Good morning I pray that my unemployment determination amount is reconsidered I've worked for many many many years and the amount that they've decided to give me is nowhere near the amount not even half of the amount that I used to make it's probably a fourth of the amount that I used to make and I don't want to sound ungrateful because I know things could be worst however this is crumbs so I pray that after receiving all of my documentation every check stub that I've made this calendar year that the decision is reconsidered so that I can at least make half of what I've been learning for the past thirteen years Good morning prayer warriors this morning I want to thank God for waking me up this morning and started me on my way I want to thank him for my mental stability I want to thank him for the ability to still have a place to stay be able to wake up every morning and prepare my kids for school with a nice hot meal and to be able to provide for them so I'm thankful this morning I got good news for the past true weeks I've been asking you guys to pray for me because I lost my job I had been employed for the past 13 years this morning I found out I was approved for my unemployment I still continue to pray that I find a job soon because I don't want to fully depend on unemployment we all know how that goes I pray for stability mental physical emotional social spiritual and Financial but this morning for once I'm thankful I've been depressed since I got laid off work on October 25th and even though it only took one month I really appreciate every gesture every prayer every text every call just to make sure that I was okay please continue to pray for me and my family thank you For Vijay who is a new international student looking for work and away from home. Please bless him with divine income, provisions and keep him safe .
For Barbara and her special needs.
For the intentions of the church prayer group and all our intentions posted here.
In the name of Jesus
We praise you and thank you God.
Amen For Vijay who is a new international student looking for work and away from home. Please bless him with divine income, provisions and keep him safe .
For Barbara and her special needs.
For the intentions of the church prayer group and all our intentions posted here.
In the name of Jesus
We praise you and thank you God.
Amen I pray that the person who wants to buy 50 bottles of perfume will get back to me as I'm in need of a financial miracle...pray that my business will prosper and grow and get more customers who want to buy my products.In Jesus name . AmenAnonymous
Received: November 23, 2019
Received: November 22, 2019
Received: November 22, 2019
James White II
Received: November 22, 2019
Received: November 22, 2019
Received: November 22, 2019
Received: November 22, 2019
Received: November 22, 2019
Received: November 22, 2019
Received: November 21, 2019
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