You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Dear God,
Daniel this prayer is for you.
Please bring my future and forever husband the gift of joy and happiness today! Let his heart be light and care-free. Don’t let the troubles of life or this world bring him down. Let him enjoy life to its fullest today and everyday! Let his laugh be heard and his smiles be seen. Let him be a shining joy to all around him. I pray that his family would encourage him and build him up so that he may do the same for others. Let the clouds of depression and worry see his joy and pass over him. Bring him peace and comfort so that he can experience the fullness of Your goodness Peace and safety and healing for me and family. We've been through so much. And for America and Jerusalem. Victory over enemies in Jesus name. Dear God,
Daniel this prayer is for you.
Please bring my future and forever husband the gift of joy and happiness today! Let his heart be light and care-free. Don’t let the troubles of life or this world bring him down. Let him enjoy life to its fullest today and everyday! Let his laugh be heard and his smiles be seen. Let him be a shining joy to all around him. I pray that his family would encourage him and build him up so that he may do the same for others. Let the clouds of depression and worry see his joy and pass over him. Bring him peace and comfort so that he can experience the fullness of Your goodness Prayer To Cherish Days Together.
Dear God,
You Word tells me to enjoy life with the man whom I love. We know that the days of our lives are fleeting. So, during this bedtime prayer, we pray that You help my now fiancé - Daniel (My first, future and forever husband) and I cherish our lives together, because this is our reward in life and in our work in which we have labored under the sun. We pray that we do not take each other for granted. Keep ever-present in our minds how truly blessed we are to have found treasures in one another. Bless us tonight,
Dear God,
Thank you for everything that you are doing, in order to help my now fiancé - Daniel (My future and forever husband) and I to be together. We appreciate everything you are doing and making sure that we have a beautiful marriage until the very end. Knowing that we are serving you, how our love will be strong enough to conquer anything. As your the foundation to build our beautiful love story. Dear God,
Thank you for all the good you have done for me, and I'm grateful for your blessings in everyday life.
I pray that my beloved fiancé - Daniel has a lovely week ahead of him. To take away the pain he goes through and remind him I'm always here for him. To love him through every stage of life and praying, we will have a great future together for the rest of our lives happily in love and married.
Wishing you a happy new week. May Almighty lead you to the path of prosperity and happiness. Believe in Him, and leave your worries to Him. Have a blessed week!
Have a lovely week ahead of you, Daniel.
Thank you. Lord please send us a financial breakthrough so we can pay our debts and have enough to pay our monthly bills please. Currently we don’t have enough for rent, groceries, utilities and bills. Please help us God Heavenly Father, please heal and guide Deborah Nixon as she battles diabetes and any other ailments or leg pain affecting her body. Save her soul, lead her to read the Bible, and teach her how to seek You in all things. Fill her with the Holy Spirit and provide direction in her life. May she find a way to arrange transportation, form a godly friendship, and achieve financial independence. Show her your strength and presence wherever she is! Calm Deborah's stress, Lord. Take control of her life and resolve every challenge she faces. With Your help, she will stay out of the hospital! God, in due time I'd meet a woman my age. We'll be friends. She'll be my sister. We'll become close sisters. We'll be there for each other for the rest of our lives.
Having fun, living life together, treating each other right, loving each other. Bring her into my life, GOD!
I will meet my godly husband QUICKLY that’ll love GOD, love me, respect me, have mercy on me, and honor me. That he’ll allow me to establish my own income, career with him and his resources. Hallelujah! In your timing. Your will be done with my heart’s desire and needs. In Jesus name.
Thank you, God, for the gift of my life, for sustenance, and for shelter. Please forgive me for my mistakes and shortcomings, and guide me on how to live in accordance with your will. Currently, I am at Jerome's house, where he is providing financial support. However, he seems to only desire me for physical intimacy and does not want to help me in other ways. I recognize that he is not the godly partner you intend for me. I feel weary from constantly asking him for rides to the store and to my sister’s apartment, which is 37 minutes away, to collect my mail. I’ve sought too much from him, and his negative attitude towards helping and his need for control over my body have become overwhelming. Lord, I pray for your guidance in finding a resolution to my situation. Jesus, where should I live to receive my mail in peace? I currently have no income and am working on receiving disability benefits. Is there someone trustworthy and kind who could offer me a ride to the places I need to go? Will I be able to vote in the 2024 presidential election without being at my mailing address and without transportation? Can I find safe, non-toxic temporary housing nearby where someone might extend their mercy and help me? Is this not your plan for me, or do you wish for me to return to my sister’s apartment despite the ongoing conflicts and shared bathroom issues? Please show me the way soon. I’ve been enjoying the church near Jerome’s house so far.Daniel's Greatest Love Of His Life
Received: October 8, 2024
Received: October 8, 2024
Daniel's Greatest Love Of His Life
Received: October 8, 2024
Daniel's Greatest Love Of His Life
Received: October 8, 2024
Daniel's Greatest Love Of His Life
Received: October 8, 2024
Daniel's Greatest Love Of His Life
Received: October 8, 2024
Received: October 8, 2024
Deborah Nixon
Received: October 8, 2024
Received: October 8, 2024
Received: October 8, 2024
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