You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Dear God
Please bless me and my husband to get pregnant with fraternal twins 1 boy and 1 girl with IVF our first try
Amen Best Job, opportunities, and blessings, favpr for me, be unto me now, and manifest in Jesus name, amen. The Holy Spirit to guide my mind and thoughts. Remove emotional connections to people who cause me and my family harm. Strength to move forward into the Will of God My daughter is feeling rejected by her husband who has moved on with another woman. God heal my daughter make her whole for herself, her son, your glory! LORD GOD thank you again for this day. Thanks you for all the blessings, support, healing, guidance, and protection you've give us today. Thank you as well for all the anxiety, fear, disappointments, worries, problems and struggles we've experience today. These are the things that made us more stronger and more closer to YOU.
LORD GOD, I am humbly praying and asking for your help, support, protection and guidance for the problem I am facing right now. I know that the problem I am facing now is the result of my past decision and action. But please help me go through this one. I know that this too shall pass as YOU are with me all the time. Please never abandon and leave me in this trying times of mine.
LORD GOD I am also praying for the health, support, guidance and protection of my family and loved ones. I know that YOU know the meaning of protection I am asking. Please GOD dont leave us. Please still help us in every aspect of our life(may it be our health, finances, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual state). Please keep us away from any harm the world can give.
JESUS CHRIST I am also praying and claming that our New Year will be merry, happy and prosperous. May the coming days, weeks and months will be ok for all of us. Please be the one to help us provide all the things that we need.
JESUS CHRIST I have BIG FAITH and TRUST in YOU. I strongly believe in YOUR powerful and healing hand. Please guide and support us in every aspect of our life. I know you will never abandon us. I trust YOUR timing and I believe that everything happens for a reason. Please turn all our worries, fears, anxiety, problems and struggles into healing, blessings, victory, trust, worship and faith. I am surrendering my whole life and soul to YOUR healing and powerful hands. In JESUS name we pray.
Dear God
Please bless me and my husband to get pregnant with fraternal twins 1 boy and 1 girl with IVF our first try
Amen I pray to thank God for the gift of this day and in thanks for everything he does in my life every single day! today I pray for the closeness and my relationship with my best friend Steve to come back. I pray that God can help us reunite and come back together stronger than ever, because not only did our friendship lead to a great love in my heart, it brought so many great things with us as a couple and family. Steve is one of those people who is easily distracted and easily confused due to his past pain and hurt. I pray that he continues to let me be the one who’s there for him in his past pain and hurt as we grow together with God and faith. I pray that his current situation will come to a close as that chapter is one that is incredibly painful. I pray that God is with both of us and everything we do and that God can truly be the one bringing us back together. I hear God’s word in my life, and I know he is the one who put steve in my heart. I pray that the Lord my God hears my prayer. Dear God,
Thank you for everything that you are doing and making sure that I'm safe, happy and well. I hope to have a beautiful and extraordinary love story written by God until the final breath.
I hope that the nightmare what I'm going through will come to an end and to recieve my engagement ring too. Dear God,
I was looking through my cards last night, what I found in the loft from all of my family. When I was younger, I started to cry because my life could have been so different and worse.
I am thankful everyday, for everything you do for me and just wanted to share this with you. I'm grateful for this prayer website, even though I'm finding it hard to put into words about my feelings. Dear God,
Daniel this prayer is for you.
Please bring my future and forever husband the gift of joy and happiness today! Let his heart be light and care-free. Don’t let the troubles of life or this world bring him down. Let him enjoy life to its fullest today and everyday! Let his laugh be heard and his smiles be seen. Let him be a shining joy to all around him. I pray that his family would encourage him and build him up so that he may do the same for others. Let the clouds of depression and worry see his joy and pass over him. Bring him peace and comfort so that he can experience the fullness of Your goodnessAlexis Jones
Received: September 24, 2024
Received: September 24, 2024
Received: September 24, 2024
Mo Randolph
Received: September 24, 2024
Received: September 24, 2024
Alexis Jones
Received: September 24, 2024
Received: September 24, 2024
Received: September 24, 2024
Received: September 24, 2024
Daniel's Greatest Love Of His Life
Received: September 24, 2024
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