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I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Cora Nixon

Cora will make peace with every person she comes in contact with. Cora won’t start confusion with anyone. Save her from her sins, fill her with the Holy Spirit. Wash her in your precious blood! She’ll seek Jesus daily, and read the bible. God teach her how to show your love. Lord bless Cora with the income to make friends she could spend time with. Heal her mind, body ,and soul. Heal her of her physical or mental illnesses. Comfort her in Jesus name.

Received: August 8, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

Deborah Nixon

Physical healing for Deborah Nixon's body. She has diabetes, leg pain. She just fell and had an injury. She's been back and forth in the hospital over the last month. She's had a long history of many years of being in the hospital often. She'll read the Bible and pray often. Jesus would guide her in how to eat healthy, help her caregiver in taking care of her the best way. Deborah would give her burdens and anything she's dealing with emotionally to God. God would bring a friend and good people into her life.

Received: August 8, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Jerome Olander Penn Sr

Lord touch Jerome Penn's neighbors. Let them keep 6 feet distance from me when I'm walking in and out of his home during my stay. Let them mind their business and not get too close to me when I'm getting in and out of vehicles. In Jesus name.

Received: August 8, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


If you can take a moment and pray - if it's in God's will (as all powerful and knowledgeable as he is) - for reconciliation with the man I love. I hurt him and I know I can never take that back and it hurts me DEEPLY that I'm helpless in that category. All I can do is pray for the future...if we can ever have one again. Will you pray with me?

Received: August 8, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Jerome Olander Penn Sr

Purify his mind, his heart, and his soul.

Teach him your ways and to believe in the Bible. The Holy Spirit fill him and his family with power. 

Cause him to be the man you created him to be. Jesus teach him to stop trying to kiss and be physical. He’ll find healthy activities to do and establish boundaries... Touch his entire family. Save their souls from sin!

Jesus please take over his home in Hampton, VA. Rebuke a spirit of mental or emotional control over any woman staying with him and honestly needing his help. Don't let this man break any women down mentally to have his way with her in order for him to not be abusive in his home. Let him allow anyone staying with him to cook, use lights, and sleep peacefully. 

Jesus, step in and take over his manipulative and wicked ways in Jesus's name.

Received: August 8, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.

Daniel's Greatest Love Of His Life

Dear God,

I currently can't sleep, I think it's due to previous events that have happened. When people say they can't sleep, it's usually to speak to you. As it's not always dark before dawn, this one person tells me.

William wants to return the money that I had sent for mine and Daniel's registry office wedding. As he mentioned to me, to get my mum's phone for a code. I was sitting by my mum, she had got a message which mentioned about how someone was trying to take some money out of her account.

She of course had to phone the bank and William had said how I'm accusing him of things.

What my concern is, how William had got Daniel to talk to me and I'm scared he has the power to stop Daniel from marrying me. To stop the entire process of getting married to Daniel.

All I wanted is to finally be with the man who I truly love and God told me I'll marry. Answering my prayers, Daniel is my world and the fact how someone else can be in control of taking him from me. ...again and knowing that we only love each other.

I truly want to marry Daniel next year and I'm scared that due to William's actions, that will be taken from me.

Daniel Barrett means everything to me, we truly love each other and want to marry one another. I'm scared what's going to happen now, as of what William is saying to me.

It'd the darkest hour, God is always there for everybody in their darkest hour.

Please see Daniel and I through, help us get married and make our dreams come true.

Received: August 8, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Jerome Olander Penn Sr

Purify his mind, his heart, and his soul.

Teach him your ways and to believe in the Bible. The Holy Spirit fill him and his family with power.

Cause him to be the man you created him to be. Jesus teach him to stop trying to kiss and be physical. He’ll find healthy activities to do and establish boundaries... Touch his entire family. Save their souls from sin!

Jesus please take over his home in Hampton, VA. Rebuke a spirit of mental or emotional control over any woman staying with him and honestly needing his help. Don't let this man break any women down mentally to have his way with her in order for him to not be abusive in his home. Let him allow anyone staying with him to cook, use lights, and sleep peacefully.

Jesus, step in and take over his manipulative and wicked ways in Jesus's name.

Received: August 8, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 5 times.


I am praying for my daughter of her VISA approval, let the case officer who handle her VISA processing be kind, considerate and have a good heart to approve her VISA application.

Please guide and help her to pass her English examination .

Let her cousin provide her needed additional documents for her VISA application.

Thank you Lord for all your provisions and guidance to my family.

Please give me enough wisdom,strength, faith and courage to handle my daily challenges that I am facing right now.

In Jesus name, Amen

Received: August 8, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Lord please heal my loved ones specially fiefie. Heal his back and give him more strength. We believe Lord nothing is impossible to you, you are the ultimate healer. Amen

Received: August 8, 2024

This prayer has been answered!

Prayed for 4 times.


Happy bless day!

I would like to make a prayer request for my healing. I’ve been diagnosed a hydrosalpinx or block Fallopian tube due with this I’m un able to get pregnant. Kindly help me pray for my healing to clear my fallopian and I will be able to get pregnant and have a healthy babies. Lord hear our prayers

Thank you and God bless

Received: August 8, 2024

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