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Dear God,
You Word tells me to enjoy life with the man whom I love. We know that the days of our lives are fleeting. So, during this bedtime prayer, we pray that You help my now fiancé - Daniel (My first, future and forever husband) and I cherish our lives together, because this is our reward in life and in our work in which we have labored under the sun. We pray that we do not take each other for granted. Keep ever-present in our minds how truly blessed we are to have found treasures in one another. Bless us tonight, Dear God,
Thank you for everything that you are doing, in order to help my now fiancé - Daniel (My future and forever husband) and I to be together. We appreciate everything you are doing and making sure that we have a beautiful marriage until the very end. Knowing that we are serving you, how our love will be strong enough to conquer anything. As your the foundation to build our beautiful love story. Please pray for the vision to be restored in my dad's eye. He has been through so much physical strife in his life. I want to hear clearly God's voice giving me instructions for my next. I pray for God to heal my broken heart. Three weeks ago the love of my life broke my heart after 13 months of amazing memories with him and the kids. He is already dating someone else, but I still truly love him dearly. I pray for a future without heartache and pain for me and for the kids. May they know how much I love them no matter what their father chooses for himself. I pray that they know that I did not choose to leave them & the family we have had. I pray for him that he is not just rushing into something that will also hurt these kids even more. I pray for our friendship. May we be able to continue this despite the situation and especially for the kids. May God always be by my side. May there always be honesty and compassion. I'm fighting depression. I keep having thoughts of wanting to killing myself. I've been fighting the thoughts and praying. Jerome has made me feel low mistreating me and not being a godly, loving man to me while staying at his home. Hurts that he's rushing me out of his home after the years knowing him. He's rushing me because I won't have intercourse with him. He's not willing to help me with my goals. I have nowhere safe to go live. I'm fighting depression. I keep having thoughts of wanting to killing myself. I've been fighting the thoughts and praying. Jerome has made me feel low mistreating me and not being a godly, loving man to me while staying at his home. Hurts that he's rushing me out of his home after the years knowing him. He's rushing me because I won't have intercourse with him. He's not willing to help me with my goals. I have nowhere safe to go live. Dear God
Me and my husband have been praying to conceive and I think I might be pregnant please bless us to be expecting In Jesus name amen
Lord Thank you that You will help us and my family,Children tonprovide their needs and family no sickness,debt be paid in full Amen My feelings are hurt. I've been praying for God to touch my heart and soul. Im in a toxic situation with Jerome. He's been letting me stay with him in his home. He's provided for me financially and he's rushing me out of his home while wanting to cross my physical boundaries.
I need deep emotional healing.
I need guidance on where to go as I've been calling the shelter and waiting for them to call me. I'm also waiting on a friend that may have a place I can stay. Daniel's Greatest Love Of His Life
Received: August 27, 2024
Daniel's Greatest Love Of His Life
Received: August 27, 2024
Received: August 27, 2024
Received: August 27, 2024
Received: August 27, 2024
Received: August 26, 2024
Received: August 26, 2024
Received: August 26, 2024
Received: August 26, 2024
Received: August 26, 2024
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