You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Save him from his sinful ways.
Teach him your ways.
Cause him to be the man you created him to be.
Jesus teach him to stop trying to kiss and be physical. He’ll find healthy activities to do and establish boundaries...
Touch his entire family. Save their souls from sin!
Jesus please take over his home in Hampton, VA. Rebuke a spirit of mental or emotional control over any woman staying with him and needing his help. Don't let this man break any women down mentally to have his way with her in order for him to not be abusive in his home. Let him allow anyone staying with him to cook, use lights, and sleep peacefully.
Jesus, step in and take over his manipulative and wicked ways in Jesus's name. Jerome wants me to leave his home soon. I do understand we need time apart. For him to want me to keep leaving his home and come back in two weeks isn't a healthy relationship. He's desiring my body before marriage as I said no. I'm waiting and been calling to hear back from a shelter that has some good resources to let me in. I qualified for the shelter by being at his house which is closer to the shelter.
It hurts that as a man, he doesn't care to love me, be godly, treat me right, court me, date me, marry me. Wait till after marriage for some things. It hurts that he knows how things are at my sister's environment and doesn't see the need to let me stay over, work fairly with me, and help me with my self-sufficient goals. Because I won't let him dominate my body and accept how controlling he is in his house. I know I'm going to permanently let him go. Need emotional healing and strength right now.
I pray for Gretchen to grow up and act like a mature adult! I pray she stops using people until she has used them up! I pray she learns from the pain she has caused others and stops being so selfish and immature! May she stop hurting people who have always been there for her and helped her through so many times! May her heart not be so cold and damaging to others. May she realize that people who have blessed her are gifts from God & deserve so much more! Jerome wants me to leave his home soon. I do understand we need time apart. For him to want me to keep leaving his home and come back in two weeks isn't a healthy relationship. He's desiring my body before marriage as I said no. I'm waiting and been calling to hear back from a shelter that has some good resources to let me in. I qualified for the shelter by being at his house which is closer to the shelter.
It hurts that as a man, he doesn't care to love me, be godly, treat me right, court me, date me, marry me. Wait till after marriage for some things. It hurts that he knows how things are at my sister's environment and doesn't see the need to let me stay over, work fairly with me, and help me with my self-sufficient goals. Because I won't let him dominate my body and accept how controlling he is in his house. I know I'm going to permanently let him go. Need emotional healing and strength right now.
Praying for Financial Breakthroughs. I haven’t settled my debts for this month and this caused a lot of emotional distress and sleepless nights to me and I fear that those debt collectors may harrass me. Im hoping that God will make miracles for I believe that there is no imposible when it comes to God A job. Been praying for this for months now. Please pray for me so God connects me to destiny helper and get the job Please pray for me
1. A favor to my job application
2. A job that gives a permanent work from home and give a good salary
3. A peaceful and happy family
4. Healing
Lord God please a negative laboratory and medical exam please
Lord God a financial stability Amen
Lord God please a good health not only for me but for my family Amen
Lord God please let your will be done Amen Liewe Heer, Dankie vir n nuwe dag en dat ons die laaste Paar maande oor leef het. U weet wat swaar op my hart le en wat my uit stres,. Finansieel is ons netnie daar om die troue te betaal voor die super datum nie en vra ek u ingryping om werk te voorsien dat ons dit Wel kan doen.
Ons het u so nodig u hand van beskermings, liewe Heer Dra ons maak ons sterker ek vra dat u ons op die regte pad Sal Lei. Beskerm asb my familie en vriende help ons om op u te vertrou. Breek enige vloeke oor my my man my 3 kinders ons Huis gesin ons besigheid ons werk ons erf laat die kettings wat ons vashou asb afval. Vader help ons om nie tor versoeking te Kom nie. Breek enige verslawings WA ons mag he met u Groot Naam Amen. Ek bid vir ons siel, ons welstand ons gesondheid.
Weereens dankie vir Al's wat u doen en voorsien.
Ons vra nie omdat ons dit verdien nie maar uit u genade.
Amen. Jerome Olander Penn Sr
Received: August 21, 2024
Received: August 21, 2024
Received: August 21, 2024
Received: August 21, 2024
Received: August 21, 2024
Received: August 21, 2024
Received: August 21, 2024
Received: August 21, 2024
Received: August 21, 2024
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