You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Save him from his sinful ways.
Teach him your ways.
Cause him to be the man you created him to be.
Jesus teach him to stop trying to kiss and be physical. He’ll find healthy activities to do and establish boundaries...
Touch his entire family. Save their souls from sin!
Jesus please take over his home in Hampton, VA. Rebuke a spirit of mental or emotional control over any woman staying with him and needing his help. Don't let this man break any women down mentally to have his way with her in order for him to not be abusive in his home. Let him allow anyone staying with him to cook, use lights, and sleep peacefully.
Jesus, step in and take over his manipulative and wicked ways in Jesus's name. LORD GOD thank you again for this day. Thanks you for all the blessings, support, healing, guidance, and protection you've give us today. Thank you as well for all the anxiety, fear, disappointments, worries, problems and struggles we've experience today. These are the things that made us more stronger and more closer to YOU.
LORD GOD, I am humbly praying and asking for your help, support, protection and guidance for the problem I am facing right now. I know that the problem I am facing now is the result of my past decision and action. But please help me go through this one. I know that this too shall pass as YOU are with me all the time. Please never abandon and leave me in this trying times of mine.
LORD GOD I am also praying for the health, support, guidance and protection of my family and loved ones. I know that YOU know the meaning of protection I am asking. Please GOD dont leave us. Please still help us in every aspect of our life(may it be our health, finances, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual state). Please keep us away from any harm the world can give.
JESUS CHRIST I am also praying and claming that our New Year will be merry, happy and prosperous. May the coming days, weeks and months will be ok for all of us. Please be the one to help us provide all the things that we need.
JESUS CHRIST I have BIG FAITH and TRUST in YOU. I strongly believe in YOUR powerful and healing hand. Please guide and support us in every aspect of our life. I know you will never abandon us. I trust YOUR timing and I believe that everything happens for a reason. Please turn all our worries, fears, anxiety, problems and struggles into healing, blessings, victory, trust, worship and faith. I am surrendering my whole life and soul to YOUR healing and powerful hands. In JESUS name we pray.
Good morning.
I wanted to tell you there was a time that I left food here at Jerome's home.. He called and told me. I came back to get the food.
This was probably 2023.
My red coat was left in his closet. He didn't tell me. I feel it was to keep me coming back to his house.
He kept my coat so I'd have to return.
Maybe he could tell that I was wanting to separate from him. He wanted to find a way to keep me coming. Keep me and fAm safe And healthy. Healing of urine output and hormone imbalance. Bless new job And favorable outcome for that issue. for aaron rossi to get cat insurance paid for without aaron rossi’s driving record to be tainted
for aaron rossi’s license to not be suspended before he obtains car insurance
to have car insurance within 24hrs Praying for open doors for me and my husband he's looking for a job ! He broke his finger on his last job they wrongfully let him go and haven't been able to get a job ..his finger is now healed and able to work it's be hard. ! We don't to lose our place we just got that we moved in with our savings stepped out on faith with and now our funds to pay bills are gone August is the last of our monied! Prayed to God ..asking Him to do for us what we can't do for ourselves ....In Jesus Name...Amen! Prayer To Cherish Days Together.
Dear God,
You Word tells me to enjoy life with the man whom I love. We know that the days of our lives are fleeting. So, during this bedtime prayer, we pray that You help my now fiancé - Daniel (My first, future and forever husband) and I cherish our lives together, because this is our reward in life and in our work in which we have labored under the sun. We pray that we do not take each other for granted. Keep ever-present in our minds how truly blessed we are to have found treasures in one another. Bless us tonight, Dear God,
Thank you for everything that you are doing, in order to help my now fiancé - Daniel (My future and forever husband) and I to be together. We appreciate everything you are doing and making sure that we have a beautiful marriage until the very end. Knowing that we are serving you, how our love will be strong enough to conquer anything. As your the foundation to build our beautiful love story. I love you so much forever and always Daniel. Your the best fiancé a woman could ever ask for. I pray that we have a beautiful marriage with God at the centre of our relationship. To be the best husband and wife to each other.
To have the greatest love story of all, all thanks to God To get me through this week, as my uncle is getting married and I'm always pushed out. Then I get told why don't I help out and it upsets me.
I've just been cleaning up after everyone, all summer and feel fed up. Jerome Olander Penn Sr
Received: August 20, 2024
Received: August 20, 2024
Received: August 20, 2024
Received: August 20, 2024
Received: August 20, 2024
Received: August 20, 2024
Daniel's Greatest Love Of His Life
Received: August 20, 2024
Daniel's Greatest Love Of His Life
Received: August 20, 2024
Daniel's Greatest Love Of His Life
Received: August 20, 2024
Received: August 20, 2024
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